Coming soon...

I am currently working on a full rebuild of GPX data handling. There will be extensive benefits of this which will meet a lot of needs that have been expressed previously. One of the first steps will be a small one: elevation profiles. These are close to finished. I have a couple of questions for you on this. 1) would you want to see "Altitude" or "Elevation"? What's your preferred jargon? I think altitude is perhaps the more easily understood. 2) would you expect charts to start at sea level? The advantage is that it's really obvious which tracks are alpine. The disadvantage is that the useful data about the gradients is compressed into a smaller area. Thanks, Matthew
11–14 of 14

Hi everybody, GPX files now have elevation profiles. Issues still to address: 1) one or two files may not be working. Let me know if you find one. 2) Caching and performance. Currently these pages work the server pretty hard. I'll need to polish that. 3) Grade smoothing. Some files have jaggy data, and I think it would make sense to smooth out the gradients slightly. 4) The "GPX files" page needs to be redesigned. It's not very easy to find anything at the moment. Let me know your thoughts....
Matthew, something seems to be broken with gpx files. The L Kaniere - Otira file (#7211) didn't have elevation data so I uploaded a new version - it didn't display. Tried a few variations - created the gpx with Mapsource, Basecamp and Oziexplorer but had the same result each time. As the original file had 2 tracks, I thought that might be an issue with a new file (although it displayed without any issue prior to my new file uploads - just no elevation data). However, it still doesn't display. The map defaults to 0deg lat/lon so I presume it's not interpreting the files properly (but they all open in my various programs, inc GoogleEarth, without error).
Matthew, FYI : I have now re-loaded the original file but still the map does not display the track (and defaults to 0deg lat/lon).
Hi Bernie, I am seeing a track more or less correctly. Uh, I think it's not showing information correctly until the track has been processed. Good point: I need to show a message about that.
11–14 of 14

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Started by matthew
On 22 August 2013
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