Macpac not as good as it used to be

For anyone considering purchasing Macpac - think again. Their customer service is abysmal. Case is point - my day pack where some stitching came undone. Apparently it was not covered by the "life-time" warranty so I had to pay $115. Could almost buy a new day pack for that. At one time Macpac was exemplary for providing both exceptional gear and backing up their products. No longer, so simply DON'T BUY.
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ha, i started out using pvc.. only put it on when my wind breaker got saturated. i'd try and keep the pvc as open as possible because of the sweat i generated in it in the middle of winter in a raging storm ... latest recommendations for gear is not to use pvc because it builds up so much sweat and becomes a danger in the cold...
I used to wear pvc and it was fine but this was in the days or swandris and wool etc. Wool takes care of the sweat although taking the coat off can sometimes be like taking gumboots off that youve had on all day. (think fred dagg song) One day I tried it with a polar fleece and that was the last time I wore pvc. Got half way up Mount Clime in light snow and the sweat had saturated the polar fleece and then frozen solid. Might as well of been wearing a cotton t shirt and nothing else
31–32 of 32

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Forum Gear talk
Started by TonyO
On 27 June 2013
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