Pope's Pass

Has anyone wandered (north-east) from Browning Pass over Pope's Pass and down Julia Creek to Julia Hut? From the map, it looks straight-forward :) softrock.co.nz mentions the approach to Mount Pope (from Browing pass via Pope's Pass) as grade 1+ but I've found little mention of travel down Julia Creek.
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Great news about Julia Creek track because as you rightly say glennj its a great variation to 3 Passes and a beautiful valley (Julia). We had a go at getting to Popes Pass the day before up the headwaters of the Wilberforce but were forced back to Park Morpeth Hut by a rising river. Second attempt went via Lake Browning and looks a better way to go. Yes, was very late but beautiful March night, fantastic stars. Progress as slow as a couple of hundred metres an hour at some stages. Scrub and ice axes (aaargh), house sized boulders with cavenous holes around them and a very steep sided valley are my memories of the night. And "hours went by like minutes" to steal a line from the Eagles. We were set to go straight to bed on arrival at Julia Hut (fortunately empty) but our "chef" insisted on cooking dinner and then we realised we were really hungry as well as tired. A memorable day. The real fatigue was the next day, actually by then it was the same day.
Good move on the chef's part. Frank and I specialize in late arrivals (alpine finishes we call them). We always cook up a feed to nourish and repair the muscles for the next day. Last time we got into Top Hut up the North Ashburton at 9pm and the occupants (one a FB pal) were tucked up in bed so we cooked outside very quietly. They reciprocated with their considerateness the following morning but failed to click who we were!
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by bernieq
On 28 March 2013
Replies 11
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