whats everyone got planned for summer?

i'm doing queen charlotte, did it last year but pulled my calf on it and couldnt complete it, so going back. then the kepler and routeburn at new years.. no worries about finding a bunk or having to take camping gear... then tasmania for a week and a half, just doing day walks.
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Big tramps in Te Urewera, Kaweka, Ruahine and Tararuas . Hoping to head down south for the first time (tramping wise) at the end of the summer start of autumn . Still in the formation stage but looking at a week or two in the Hokitika region and a week or two in the Arthurs Pass region .
One of the reasons for wanting to go to Sir Robert hut is to help a couple of friends get in there. I first walked in there as a 16 year old with a couple of similar aged mates & back then we were the first walk in visitors since the cullers were pulled out. At the book launch I met Hugh van Norden for the first time. He put a good recent photo of Sir Robert on this site. Saw Emma R, whom I'd only recently met for the first time, at the book launch too. As part of the book promotion it was said that Sir Robert hut is probably the least visited DOC hut in NZ. That is arguable because my roamings in the last 5.5 years since being back on the Coast have shown that Spoon hut & Roaring Billy hut are getting less walk in visits than Sir Robert. (Campbell biv & Scotties biv have probably also received less visits than Sir Robert hut in recent years)
Couldn't get across the Otira, what with 130mm of rain on Saturday and snow melt so we went into the head of the Poulter and did a bit of work on the Worsley Pass track. I'll post a GPS jpg. of the route ASAP and a story to go with it.
jpg. up now titled NZFS Worsley Pass etc.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by waynowski
On 21 October 2012
Replies 13
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