Anyone watch "I Shouldnt Be Alive" TV1 last night?

They had a New Zealand episode last night (14th Feb). Two woman tramping in Arthurs Pass spent 8 days trapped on a ledge 200m up a cliff in a storm, nonstop rain and snow. Were eventually found by a helicopter with a sister of one of the woman onboard after SAR had given up finding them alive. Was an interesting story, the reinactments were cheesy but expected that in these kinds of shows. Does anyone know when the actual event happened though? Im guessing sometime in the last 5 years.
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Yes was at home. Mentioned this here before: someone on this site asked questions the week before about epirbs and I took it out to see what model I had. Never but it back in my survival kit! And because I 'never' take it out of my survival kit, which was where it should be at the bottom of my pack, I hadn't established a routine of checking that the EPIRB was there before I set off on trips. Needless to say that has changed since!
51–53 of 53

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Forum The campfire
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On 15 February 2012
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