Heading to Rees Dart Track

Hi all, First post here. My wife and I are heading for Rees-Dart track next week and would like to know if anyone has any comment on the conditions of the track or any relevant advice. Also, does anybody know if it makes sense to carry a VHF radio with me? For what I saw there is a VHF Repeater of DoC on Dart Valley, but DoC hasn't answered my questions if it's OK to use it or not (in an extreme circumstance)... as I was expecting. Cheers and happy holidays.
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How was Whitbourn Glacier? Did you get to the ice? Was there a terminal lake? Sounds like your pumped from the activity.
Sorry for the delayed response. We didn't get to the ice, although it was possible. It was drizzling, 4pm and had my wife waiting on the valley an hour from where I was. I think we went as far was the following link and the ice starts 200 meters to the right: http://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap?v=2&ll=-44.473406,168.52971&z=15 (click on Cords) No terminal lake, only the front of the glacier cover in dirt. I'll leave a link to the pictures once they're online. Pumped... a way of saying it. We started at 10:00 am and were back in the tent at 8 pm... :)
Hello, great site you guys have here. I'm seriously considering doing the Rees Dart in the last week of March/first week of April this year. I am currenlty in the US Northwest (Washington) and do a good ammount of backpacking in the Olympics year round. I was hoping that someone with experience on the Southern Island could provide some information about major issues with the Rees Dart that time of year, such as weather, serious pitfalls, essential gear, etc. I understand in heavy rains the river crossings become impossible, but is this really a good time of year to go? I'm looking to avoid huge crowds and would love to stay relatively dry, although that's not totally necessary. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance! Liam
1 deleted post from Yarmoss
Hi Liam, The weather in March/April is usually pretty good here in the lower South Island, especially if we have a bit of an Indian summer which the signs are good for this year. If you're in the Pacific NW then you'll know all about good rain gear. Just bring typical hiking gear along and you'll be fine. Try and avoid Easter if you can, it can make the tracks crowded as alot of working people do a last hurrah before winter arrives. The Dart hut can get ridiculously overcrowded with people staying multiple nights to do the Cascade Saddle sidetrip. Most people walk the circuit anti-clockwise (Up Rees, down Dart). Not sure how the transport works out but if you like seeing different faces each night then maybe consider walking clockwise. Great trip, the Cascade Saddle is mindblowing. Hope for good weather!
i walked it a week off easter, was ok, there were a fair amount of people in the huts but it wasnt overcrowded
temperatures can vary that time of year, i had a day i was sweating then, otherwise should be on the cool side. temp should be above freezing .
I did parts of it in Dec a couple of years ago and got a bit cool one day walking down to Dart Hut in the rain. Luckily the river levels were going down and not a problem. Now I've got possum-merino arm warmers that my sister knitted for me at the cost of $13 and that makes a big difference to comfort.
You should try the nipple warmers too.
Ya cheeky so-and-so. They are a good idea and when one of my pals got pregnant, she was given a set.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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