Rees-Dart early November

I am heading to queenstown early november for a week or so tramp, keen to do rees dart I am an experienced tramper and mountaineer, have done it before, and have all the necessary gear. Looking for a partner (S) to accompany me, flexible with date as have not booked flight yet but it will be around the 7th November. Cheers Stephen
11–13 of 13

doc post recent track conditions for apiring park here
1 deleted post from jfleming
I recommend speaking to Claire at DOC Queenstown. I've spoken with several of the other DOC staff and they were not as well informed as Claire seemed. On Friday 18th she told me that the Snowy Creek bridge is scheduled to go in on Monday 21st Nov - she's the first person I've spoken too that communicated an actual date even though apparently it's been known for over a week that the bridge was scheduled to go in on this date. Whether it actually does go in or not she won't know until the end of Monday. We are using transport provided by Alan & Ingrid 027-537-5741, they were super helpful and flexible and prices were comparable to other service providers. I was also told that there has been experienced parties walking the track and getting through. Delete
don't attempt cascade saddle in the wet. or soft snow, it's treacherous in those conditions, the tussock above the bushline and the steepness of the slope make it very hard to stop if you start sliding in those conditions. someone fell to their death earlier this year in snow.
11–13 of 13

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