Which track for a 1st tramp away from the crowds?

Hi there, As a new member this is my 1st message here although I've been lurking for a while now :) I'm coming to NZ in about 3 weeks and will stay for a fair while (over a year). I've done a lot of bushwalking in Australia for the last few years but have never tried multiday tramps. I've been meaning to for a while though and NZ looks like it's the perfect place to start. So my question is - which tracks would you recommend for a beginner who is not keen on crowds? I know NZ has heaps of gorgeous tracks, but those that are well known (Great Walks) sound very crowded to me. Although I may choose a Great Walk for my very first tramp (mainly for my girlfriend's peace of mind and to make sure all my gear is up to scratch), I'm really keen to get away from the crowds afterwards. The quiet and solitude are some of the things I love best about being out bush. I will be in the South Island for the 1st few months, so most interested in SI tracks and will worry about NI tracks later. I'd probably aim for walks that are 3-5 days long. I've got a good tent so camping is OK. Thanks for your time!
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35$ for the hut nov -march hut warden in residence but with five different routes in it would be hard for every one to have booked. it could become interesting.
You have to book the Angelus Hut or campsite before you start tramping. If you just turn up and it's full you will be sent away [no sleeping on deck].If there happens to be a space you may have to pay the penalty fee which is double the amount. There are only 5 campsites - not allowed anywhere else to 'protect the fragile environment'. Long walk up to find 'No room at the Inn'! If you get delayed on the track perhaps due to bad weather, and you don't get to the hut on the day you have booked, too bad - donation to DoC!!
If they are going to enforce that then there must be a bi-law to exclude camping within a certain radius of the hut. Remember, you are free to camp anywhere you like on the DOC estate, except within 500m of Great Walk tracks and they are covered by bi-laws. So I wonder what the bi-law says.
I just got reply to an email that I sent to DOC at St Arnaud. The camping restriction is only within 100m of the hut. So no problem camping down by Hinepouri Tarn. I think I could live with that.
It's amazing the 2 different replies you get from the same office on the same day!
Just to clarify, I thought that I read on this website that, unless you are on a Great Walk route, you could camp anywhere, just as long as it was not on private land. I like the idea of pitching a tent anywhere along a track. Is this illegal? Novice tramper here.
Yes- you can camp almost anywhere. Exclusions are: - Within 500m of a great walk - Within 200m or a road in an area designated as 'no freedom camping' by DOC or the local council - Within 100m of Angelus Hut and one of the Dart huts (I forget which) - Camping within 100m of a hut AND using the facilities is charged for at half the hut rate. - Camping at some designated DOC campsites is charged for So basically, unless you're of a great walk, on the edge of a road, at a serviced campsite or parked on the porch of the hut, you should always be alright and it will be free.
11–17 of 17

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Toothbrush
On 11 September 2011
Replies 16
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