How do you pack your pack?

I was reading the latest Wilderness Mag today and a quote stood out that has intrigued me for a while because it is counter to my own experience. In the section on “Wild Women” under packing the advice is Keep the heavy stuff such as food water and stove towards the back (good?) and at the bottom of the pack? I have often noticed while in the likes of Kathmandu and Bivouac stores the staff advising on pack purchase putting a pack on a prospective purchasers back then dumping a weight into the bottom of the pack which immediately pulls the shoulders back the person leans way forward and assumes a very uncomfortable pose and I can’t help thinking there goes another short experience in the bush destroyed by poor advice. So at the risk of introducing a very anal topic how do you pack your pack? For me my pack of choice is a MacPac alpine Pursuit 40ltr I don’t like hip belts and I like the narrow upright carry on my back. Bottom up- first layer sleeping bag and bivvy bag, next- Hut shoes next spare clothing and hut clothes, next- Food water and first Aid kit alongside each other, next- Cooker and Gas plus days food. The top of the pack gets raincoat and the top pockets maps compass and any other aids I need for easy access. In short my heaviest items are at the top of the pack against my back across my shoulders where they don’t pull back but the weight is transferred down my back to my hips. I realise that all this is subjective but I look forward to isogi’s statistical analysis and pmcke’s practical slant despite the fact that he carries a pack out of all proportion to good reason :)
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Izogi, my NB has been to NZ a few times - I made a bag (drawcord at the top) into which I put the whole pack. A mate of mine wrapped his in plastic (my method is a little more enviro-friendly :) Another friend has a Featherlite Freedom - when only needing a daypack (ie lightweight) she just takes the pockets off and uses the pack section. Initially she ridiculed the front pocket design but finally tried one - she's now evangelistic! Bigpaul, the Grampians were great - yes, much of the NP is still closed so we headed to the north. Combined cave-camping, off-track tramping and some edgy precipitous route-finding (from Mt Stapylton directly to Hollow Mountain). Huge drifts of flowers, flocks of birds and few people.
Last century some enterpriseing fool brought the Australian possum to NZ and it along with several other equally nasty creatures ensure we can only dream of flocks of birds. sighhhhhh
flocks or sparrows, flocks of seagulls flocks or silver eyes. I dont think many of our natives form flocks but its not uncommon to see 4 or 5 kereru (very large pigeon) or fantail at a time. Most of our birds inhabit dense forest rather than grass flats where you could see how many there really is. However you are right there should be heaps more. A trip to most south island skifields will find more than a few kea. Problem there is the kea is so good at finding food where people are that they turn there brain to other things like taking all the rubber out out car window frames. The signs saying dont feed them are for good reason. They can be as destructive as bears despite there size and unlike bears they break stuff just for fun
I'm with "bernieq" on this one re packing both standard & Aarn packs. I have an Aarn Guiding Light pack plus the Sport Balance Pockets (These packs are great once set up properly) The Aarn is so comfortable to carry & convenient with the front pockets that it often gets used as a day pack as well even though it is much larger than required for this purpose. Any extra weight is not an issue! Re the first post in the thread I have noticed that women seem to like the heavy items lower in the pack than I do.
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