Buying narrow boots

Kia ora all, Buying boots for the first time. I'm after boots for pretty heavy tramping so nice and tough and rigid. What should I keep in mind here? Also my biggest problem is that I have rather narrow feet! What are some good narrow boots? Cheers!
11–12 of 12

I have a similar problem as I need a wide boot (slightly wider than 4E) and I have given up trying to find anything off the shelf. The solution I have found is to get custom made boots to fit my feet. I have had several pairs from McKinlays in Dunedin. They don't have a standard tramping boot so they modified one of their styles with a commando sole, bellows tongue etc. And I have also got a pair from Lastrite in Whangarei. I got their standard Tramper style. There is a bit of hassle getting the shape correct the first time, but next time is easy. The boots are not ideal, they are too heavy and the soles are too soft, but they fit me well and are much better than having no boots and I have worn out several pairs.
do none of the commercial wide boots fit?
11–12 of 12

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Forum Gear talk
Started by camad
On 3 March 2011
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