Home page photos

Hi everybody, It's time for some new photos on the home page. If you have any you want to share, let me know. They need to be good landscapes, ideally with people in them somewhere, and I need some background information on the area in the photo. Thanks!
11–20 of 20

Hi, I've uploaded one of Mt Taranaki (even with people - the family "got in the way" when I took it). I haven't cut it down to wide format, not sure what size you were after. http://d1.tramper.co.nz/files/objectversions/9712/0910%20Mt%20Taranaki%20351.JPG Maybe it works.
i seem to be missing posts i dont know where there going IE:not to the home page any ideas people
It seems to be the same for everyone. Replies get through, but new threads do not appear, even though there is no error message. There have been no new threads for a long time now - all the spam is replies. I mailed Matthew about it, but haven't heard back yet.
Thats it i cant post new threads
That should be fixed.
Thanks for that Matthew
Hi Matthew, what is the best size to upload the pics, I imagine there is a file size, resolution, so as not to clog the system? Just upload to our profile? Cheers.
Images get resized to a maximum width of 1024 pixels anyway, so there's no point uploading bigger than that. Very large files can take ages to upload, so I'd recommend resizing to 1024 first.
Thanks, and put them?
I put it on the home page -Martins Bay.
11–20 of 20

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