What bacteria does azithromycin cover?

Azithromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that covers a wide range of bacteria, including common ones like Streptococcus, Haemophilus, Moraxella, Chlamydia, and Mycoplasma. you should try <a href="https://www.dosepharmacy.com/azicip-500mg-tablet">azithromycin over the counter</a> It's also effective against atypical bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, and Legionella. Additionally, azithromycin covers other bacteria like Bordetella, Neisseria, and Treponema, making it a versatile treatment option for various infections. It's commonly used to treat upper and lower respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, sexually transmitted infections, and certain types of pneumonia. However, it's essential to note that azithromycin only works against bacterial infections, not viral ones, so it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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