How to Treat Human Intestinal Worms?

Treating human intestinal worms involves a combination of medication and preventive measures. The most common types of intestinal worms include roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, and hookworms. The treatment typically involves Antiparasitic medications that target specific types of worms. Medications: <a href="">Fenbendazole 222 Mg</a> and Mebendazole are commonly prescribed to treat roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. Praziquantel is used for tapeworms and flukes. Pyrantel pamoate is effective against pinworms and roundworms. These medications usually require a single dose, but sometimes a second dose is needed after a few weeks to ensure all the worms and eggs are eliminated. Hygiene and Prevention Maintain good hygiene by washing hands regularly, especially before eating and after using the restroom. Cook meat thoroughly to kill any worm larvae. Avoid walking barefoot in areas where the soil may be contaminated with feces. Ensure children wash their hands frequently, as they are more prone to pinworm infections. By combining effective treatment with good hygiene practices, the risk of re-infection can be significantly reduced. Always consult a healthcare provider for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
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