Best walks and wilderness in North Island

Hi, My mate and I are going to be in North Island for a week later this month. Where do you guys think is the best/most beautiful/diverse etc wilderness in North Island? And what are some of the best tramps? (several hours to a couple of days) Thanks in advance!
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My wife & I did a lot of trekking on the NI this past year. Some of our favorites were: 1) Cape Reinga Coastal walkway from Kaipowairua to at least Te Paki, or all the way down 90-Mile Beach to Ahipara, if you want. Easy to arrange drop-off from Ahipara. Not a bush hike, but lots of solitude, vast beaches, and stunning coastal scenery. 2) Waipoua Forest -- hard to go to NI and not spend a day there checking out the Kauri. 3) Pouakai Circuit -- a great 3-day hike, with constantly changing views of Taranaki & Pouakai. Good solitude after you get to Pouakai. Great section of bush on the lst day's return to the car park. 4) Syme Hut -- a nice overnight to Fantham Peak (shoulder of Taranaki) with amazing views if the weather cooperates 5) Tongariro Crossing -- no bush, and maybe 1000 other people if the weather is good, but worth it -- a must-do! 6) Round-the-Mountain -- 4-5 days around Ruapehu. Some pockets of nice bush, but mainly a volcanic journey. Great solitude, wonderful diversity. 7) Urchin - Umakarikari loop -- we ended up just going up Urchin and then coming back down as a day hike. Spectacular bush on the way up Urchin. Great views from on top. The rest of the loop would've been nice if we had time... 8) Lake Waikeremoana -- tent and/or hut over 3-4 days. Lots of nice bush, and a good workout going up the bluff on day 1. Good solitude if you stay away from the huts. Korokoro Falls is more spectacular than described -- a must-see diversion. Have fun...
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Cephid
On 10 November 2010
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