CETCME PLB, any good?

I'm looking to buy a PLB, and I saw this affordable PLB at SafetyBeacons: https://www.safetybeacons.co.nz/catalog/product/view/id/27/s/cetcme-vpl8-plb It meets all my requirements, but I can't find a lot of reviews about it. Looking through various topics here, I see a lot of references to KTI. But, they are no longer in business, and it looks like they have been replaced by CETCME at this store. Any thoughts on this particular PLB? Or should I chip out a bit more and go for a more established brand, like Ocean or ACR?
never heard of them either looking at the website chinese company that makes maritime comms devices, including epirbs should be reliable if thats the industry they are in. http://www.cetcme.com/en/bigproducts.asp?anid=89
I guess it's OK, NZ website states it meets the COSPAS/SARSAT standards and relevant AS/NZ standards. It seems to have a LCD read out of the GPS coordinates and compass direction, might be useful if you dropped your phone but still had the PLB and a map to locate yourself on.
Best to ask Maritime NZ beacon registration center how many false activations they have had. If it is really good, why haven't other retailers in NZ been selling them? The GPS only shows up after activating it. Not much of a warranty too. Only 1 year.
Pretty safe offering a warranry on a plb. Or a parachute. Who's going to claim?
@Madpom, did you ever figure out if you lost your PLB in the fall/on that trip in 2009 or if you never took it with you? :)
Sitting on the sideboard at home

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