Urchin/Thunder/Rangitikei Loop

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Greetings Looking at some good trips for warmer times - and wondering if any one has been over Thunderbolt - and then down into Rangitikei - there is a link to an old map below - which shows a track across and down to the River - was thinking of then trying to link this with the Southern Poled access Route - any info appreciated. Any Keenos welcome. Regards http://s1013.photobucket.com/albums/af256/kellyslater/?action=view&current=jpg033.jpg#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1013.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faf256%2Fkellyslater%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3Djpg033.jpg%26
The southern access route is still there and marked. At one point near the Rangitikei end it used to cross a corner of the Army land and you were advised to ring Waiouru to check that there weren't any live firing exercises going on. Not sure if that is still necessary. I have been from the Rangitikei up to Thunderbolt many years ago and don't recall any problems. However the route is in the remote experience zone so the track will not be maintained. The bush section could be overgrown. I suggest you ring Terry Slee at DOC Turangi. He will know everything. But what a great trip, this on my list of things to do too. The Rangitikei is a wonderful place and having a day or two to walk it would be great. Allow plenty of time to enjoy.
Yea, could be keen. when are you planing on doing this?
THanks pmcke for info. Lostone prob look to go anytime from now until xmas. If not then Jan/Feb.
Did what you are suggesting 4 or 5 years ago in reverse was fantastic. Track up from Rangatikei to Thunderbolt still well marked then, lots of cairns from there on, some were big enough to shelter behind as we did from driving rain. The camp sites in the Rangatikei are fantastic, eg at the confluence with Ecology stream. Have been in that area many times over the years. The difference in geography and vegetation between the Army land and the Rangatikei valley is sudden and striking. There were old signs asking people to ring the army for permission to cross their land (live firing). I think they are pretty open to it and its quite a short distance.You go along way on the access corridor.I think it is possible to miss the army land completely but crossing it is much more direct. Go at the weekend, they are like the rest of us and rarely work then and almost certain to get permission.
Cheers bmackz - may well do it in the direction you indicated - leaving a vehicle at Urchin and then getting dropped of at Southern Access. Can i ask how long it took you? Looking at maps the poled access track seems to end at the Otamateanui Stream - does the Route then follow this down to the confluence with the Rangi River - Regards
I came down the Middle Range past Thunderbolt and took this pano with this thread in mind. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31635295&l=48d7e387eb&id=1061445913 Hope it is of some help but need a better place to post panos. Send me a private mail if you want a bigger copy emailed.
Sorry mrfizz, I haven't been in here for some time, a month as you can see. I don't have my diaries all transcribed into my computer , nor a map in front of me but I believe it took about 12 hours from the Desert rd to the Rangitikei. I believe you are right about the route. You can follow around the edge of the army land or take a short cut if you have permission. Hope this is still of some use, if not you have probably "been there done" that which is even better.
Hi bmackz - thanks for the reply - pmcke put me onto dave from DOC Turangi and he explained the route - sounds ok on paper - just need to do it now - set for 19th december - weather permitting - but yes there is a track cut from the end of the poled route down to the Otamateanui Stream - which is a bout another half to full day down river to the Rangitikei - then up the Rangitikei (full day) and half hour (ish) north of ecology confluence track/ridge up to Thunderbolt. He said main thing to avoid is Trick Creek - as you will go round in circles (good name) - and thought that there will still be markesrs indicating the track/route up to Thunderbolt - cheers for your info too.
Hi mrfizz, Would be interested to know if you did this trip as the times in Otamataeanui stream and the Rangitikei sound a little conservative from DOC. From memory we camped at the bottom of the track down into Otamataeanui stream and then it was only an hour or so to the Rangitikei and a couple more upstream to Ecology. I do remember the weather was fantastic.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by mrfizz
On 20 October 2010
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