Macpac seam sealing of tents

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Gidday, first post on this website. I just bought a macpac microlite tent, figured that even tho huts are more convenient the snoring sometimes outweighs this convenience.. anyway my question the tent arrived with instructions to seal the seams with this silicone paste that they provided does anyone have any experience with this as in, is this required or is this just an added precaution?
Hi Shandz, yea I have the Olympus... would deffinately reccommend sealing it, its a simple thing to do just pitch the tent and put the fly up inside out and put a decent amount on all seams. You might not 'have' to do it.. but i'd say you'd be kicking yourself if you were out there in a downpour and it was dripping all through your tent!! I didn't take the risk...
Ok thanks will do it, was just concerned with finding a day warm enough as the booklet said to let it cure for 12 hours or something like that.
It will be Ok to touch in less time than that. Be mindful to keep the seam seal in the fridge so it doesn't harden in the tube. Sprinkle a little talc on the seam seal when it is no longer tacky and guaranteed it will not stick to the fabric when you fold the tent etc. You don't have to pitch the tent to do the job. Spread the seams out flat and do it in sections if you wish. Good to put tape down either side of the seam that you want to do so you get a neat job. then remove the tape. Good luck
Good tips mate thanks, will get into it.
The reason that you have to seal the seams on MacPac tents is because, I think from memory, their fabric is a teraline and they found that using heat in a comercial seam sealing process damaged and weakened the fabric. Most other tent manufacturers use a nylon where this is not so much of an issue. The alternative was very expensive so MacPac decided that it was more cost effective to ask their users to manually seam seal the tent. You only have to do it once.
I was partially right. See
Hmmm I recently bought a Macpac 2-man Macrolight about 3 weeks ago for use this summer but it didnt come with any seam sealer or any notes saying it needs to be sealed. Should I be worried?????
The Macrolight is the same UV-30 fabric so I would say you should have got one. It would pay to give them a call 0800-622722 and ask.
Im pretty sure that the Macrolight needed seam sealing as well (I think it said that on the website) my microlight came with a tube of sealant in the plastic bag that has the patch repair materials in it. Must say tho the instructions included with the tent didnt make any mention of the requiremnt to seal the tent not were that that helpful in the set up of the tent either lol was pretty much... 1. insert pole 2. insert pegs 3. sleep in tent
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