Cooking Equipment

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  • Saw a nasty accident with one of those when it wasn't clipped up properly, poor girl almost lost her dinner on the floor.
  • Operator error..........nothing wrong with the equipment....!
  • The fold up bowls in mountain design are silicon so virtualy indestructible but yes very heavy and very expensive. There are better ways. Tupperware make a similar bowl in plastic which solves one of those problems. I just boughrt a bigger pack so more worried about weight than size. Im also a cheapskate so a $4 bowl from wherever that works just as well is always going to win. I had to think long and hard about what might be an even lighter and cheaper option. I had just cut the bottom off a 2 litre milk bottle to wash a paint brush and was looking at it thinking just the right size can be crushed without destroying weighs nothing and free. The bottom of a 3 litre milk bottle comes so close to perfect.
  • It was suggested in the FMC Bulletin once that the bottom of two 2L milk containers pushed together is the ideal container for a loaf of bread.
  • The Orikaso plates are great - light, indestructible, cheap ($6) and fold in to a bowl. Other than that I have a spork and my pocket knife. I don't take loaves of bread - tortillas sit quite nicely on the side of my pack without damage. For cooking I use army mess tins, but that is habit as much as anything, although I do like that they are square when packing. I have tried a number of cookers but keep coming back to white spirit - I'm now using a Coleman Exponent. They're hotter than gas, work at altitude, fuel is cheap and you don't get empty fuel cans. They're much cheaper if you buy them from overseas and have them posted to NZ - mine was about half the price of NZ stores buying on the internet from the USA.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Herbie
On 8 April 2011
Replies 25
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