Tramping during the Roar?

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  • I would be interested in the general opinion about tramping is forests during the Roar. I like to tramp locally in the Kaimais in the off season but must admit to some reservations when the stags start to bellow! Does anyone else feel this way or should I just stay on track and not worry? Thanks, Alan
  • My rule of thumb is related to how close the grounds are to population. The higher the population density the more weekend warriors you encounter. Evidence the lower kaimais during the roar there are some scary people wandering around (not a good place in the roar). Not the same in the depths of the Kawekas or Kaimanawas more than 4 hours in here you tend to meet genuine deer stalkers quite a different breed.
  • Stay on track Wear some blaze Don't make loud bellowing noises as you stroll along.... Jokes aside I think it is pretty safe and that "most" hunters stay right off main tramping tracks when hunting - using them more to get to access to areas they want to hunt/stalk - I guess if you are off track there is greater chance of running into a hunter who is in hunt mode/stalking - a lot of roar hunting is in the bush and not on the tops hunters will be looking for areas where animals have been herding and evidence of scraping on trees - and wallows indicate Stags - so vamos from there.... Also don't think you are allowed to shoot within 200m of a track (all though high cal rifles are accurate and reach well beyond 200m) Also too I think some areas get greater hunting pressure - so would avoid these areas during roar e.g. NTh Island - parts of Kaimanawas get big big numbers over the roar Hunters don't like hunting areas popular with trampers as they think animal numbers will be lower because of disturbance On the positive side - free feed of venni is alway nice :)
  • Keep to the more popular tramping tracks its only for one month let the hunters have their fun
  • I disagree with most of the above. Just do what you normally do. You will rarely see hunters more than an hour away from a road end or hut. I would make plenty of noise and wear something bright as I tramp along, that way I am unlikely to be stalked. All the onus for safety is on the hunter and 99% of them are very sensible. My experience in the Kaimanawas is that, contrary to popular opinion, it is not crawling with hunters in the roar. Maybe along Clements Mill Rd, but not in the remote parts. Did a 5 day trip in there a few years back in the middle of the roar. Deer roaring everywhere and not a soul to be seen. Only saw 2 hunters and they were both within an hour of the road end.
  • I agree that an hour from the road end is often the busiest area. Walked from clements mill to cascade hut last year during the roar and passed 10 seperate parties before the top of the hinemia ridge then nothing from that point on. In this case all appeared to be deer stalkers though you would have to wonder at such a large number in such a small catchment. My concerns really only apply to easy access areas like the lower Kaimais (unfortunately most of New Zealnads population lives near by) where i have had some concerning moments with people who where clearly very new to the game and nervously playing with thier respective weapons as we spoke. Two of them had walked right past deer not far off the track which i observed walking in behind them. when i caught up to them they where on the track planning to have some target practice with a punga log (i think the distance for discharging a firearm near a track or hut is 500 metres) as in thier opinion there where no deer about. I know these are exceptions and appear alarmist and despite these experiences i continue to persue tramping with a vengence I just apply a rule of thumb during the high seasons and give those areas which in my opinion are likely to hold a greater than usual number of hunters a wide berth.
  • I would suggest wearing one of those fluro-vest thingees and sticking to the track. The trigger-happy morons can mostly be found near road-endings, so don't go stooging about off-track in those areas. Otherwise, certain huts tend to be popular with the hunters who chopper in during the roar. I try to avoid these.
  • FYI : The DOC permit conditions regarding hunting include the following limitations : No firearm is to be discharged in the vicinity of huts, tracks, campsites, roadends or any other public place in a manner that endangers property or endangers, frightens or annoys members of the public. No firearm shall be discharged or loaded within 500 metres of a Great Walk hut. Absolutely no spotlighting. Hunting wild animals during the hours of darkness (½ hour after sunset to (½ hour before sunrise) is prohibited. Carcasses and offal must not be left near or in visitor facilities or waterways. This link takes you to the appropriate page :
  • I think I'd agree with pmcke on this one, in just doing what you'd normally do. Apart from a certain recent incident that the victim probably could've done nothing about, when's the last time a tramper was ever shot on or off a track? Or attacked by a crazy stag, for that matter. Precautions like bright clothes and being sensible near animals are okay and probably a good idea, but trampers tend to be noisy and obvious anyway. Hunters typically shoot their mates if they shoot anyone, and there's only so much you can do about trigger-happy idiots.
  • Thanks for your comments People - much appreciated. Yes, it was the hunters I was concerned about, not the stags. I have run into them a few times in the Kaimais (almost literally!) and they seem much more frightened of me than I am of them. Not sure what harm I could do with my Canon, but I suppose they don't know that! I have met a few very excited young hunters on the Kaimai tracks and so I suppose a dayglo vest during the Roar might be all that is needed. Thanks again, Alan
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Forum The campfire
Started by Hogsnort
On 28 March 2011
Replies 16
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