Ruapehu winter summit and camp

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  • I recall seeing a photo of someone's tent on taranaki. they wrote about staying up there overnight. I thought it was on this website. It would seem to me the crater would be the likely campsite for a tent. You could bivvy anywhere i suppose. You might be lucky enough to get fine enough weather to sleep out on a groundsheet. Take the tent anyway. Pays to be prepared. I wouldn't think of ascending from the south unless you camp near Syme hut on Fanthoms Pk. Just imagine that scree from Syme hut for 700m alt.gain with no clear path and a big pack.
  • 1 deleted message from Sunny1
  • i'll be hanging out on Ruapehu's crater this winter if anyones interested in some cold camping.
  • Yeah I did camp up on Mt Taranaki last year, was spectacular. Indeed it pays to be prepared 100 percent.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by athlete272
On 16 June 2010
Replies 12
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