Home page photos

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  • Hi, I've uploaded one of Mt Taranaki (even with people - the family "got in the way" when I took it). I haven't cut it down to wide format, not sure what size you were after. http://d1.tramper.co.nz/files/objectversions/9712/0910%20Mt%20Taranaki%20351.JPG Maybe it works.
  • i seem to be missing posts i dont know where there going IE:not to the home page any ideas people
  • It seems to be the same for everyone. Replies get through, but new threads do not appear, even though there is no error message. There have been no new threads for a long time now - all the spam is replies. I mailed Matthew about it, but haven't heard back yet.
  • Thats it i cant post new threads
  • That should be fixed.
  • Thanks for that Matthew
  • Hi Matthew, what is the best size to upload the pics, I imagine there is a file size, resolution, so as not to clog the system? Just upload to our profile? Cheers.
  • Images get resized to a maximum width of 1024 pixels anyway, so there's no point uploading bigger than that. Very large files can take ages to upload, so I'd recommend resizing to 1024 first.
  • Thanks, and put them?
  • I put it on the home page -Martins Bay.
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11–20 of 20

Forum The campfire
Started by matthew
On 1 February 2011
Replies 19
Permanent link