Just starting out in the Waikato

  • Hi People, in an ongoing attempt to keep my daughter away from drugs and alcohol, but mostly away from boys (She's 17) I'm taking her out walking this year. We are a family of "pro" campers (we don't have carpet in our tent, but we have considered it :) ) and this year we visited Waikaremoana. Now there are only two things to do at Waikaremoana, fish and walk. I don't fish in fresh water, so we walked. Surprisingly (as a Dad) my oldest quite fancied walking around the lake, so we resolved to doing some "build up" hikes, with a plan to do the lake in March. Last weekend we headed up Wairere falls, then inland for 30 mins, then north for about another 30 mins, then turned around and headed back. This weekend we've been recommended a loop track from Waitawheta, I think it is the beginning of the north-south? anyways, I'm completely green ! Never done any of this before (done plenty of hitch hiking about a million years ago). This whole "going bush" is new. So what do I need? I already have a mediocre pair of boots for both of us ($300 from snogum) a pack for each of us (from bivouac) and thermal underwear (I'm an avid motorcyclist :) ) Also I have a two person tent that weighs 2.5kgs, and sleeping bags that weigh 1.7kgs. I guess what I am most interest in is jackets and clothing general, survival "kits", first aid kits, food and/or cooking recommendations, navigation tools. What do I *nned*? and what would be *nice to have* ? any help very much appreciated. Paul.
  • Thumbs up from me Paul, I have two daughters 13 & 16 and they love the outdoors our christmas holidays always involve one of the Great Walks we are off to do the Able Tasman at the end of the week as a family. They enjoy the physical challenge and sense of achievement not to mention the getting back to nature experience. Weight is the biggest consideration when doing multiday walks keeping it to a mininmum is essential. Browse your local Bivouc store for an idea on the range of goods available - Reputable brands like Macpac, Fairy Down for clothing Trade Me is always a good start for 2nd hand gear.
  • Hi I tramp a lot with my 11 your old son – it’s a great reality check for him and he enjoys it: Pack, sleeping bag, tent or shelter, sleep mat, stove, billy, cup, bowl, water bottle than can be easily filled in rivers, water bladder for in pack, water treatment if you feel the need, spoon, swiss army knife (with scissor), rain jacket, (rain pants if forecast looks av) fleece, down jacket (dry/warm if its gonna be cold), 1 poly top, poly bottom, 3 pair socks, shorts, light weight hiking shirt x 2, wool singlet, beanie, sun hat, gloves, trail runners for summer, boots for winter/alpine. Clothing list really depends on weather forecast and time of year – and working on the premise that you should have something warm/dry to change into when you reach your hut or shelter. Then you dry off your wet stuff for the next day - Then food and med kit etc. Muesli/Milk Powder Breakfast, 8 Grain Crackers, Salami Cheese Lunch, Kaweka and CousCous or Back Country Dinner, Snacks (nuts/choco), 1 protein bar per day, Replace Sachet if you sweat a lot And if going off track navigation, maps, GPS, compass and hire PLB – Oh and Kitchen Sink.... Macpac, Bivouac, Kathmandu, Hunting and Fishing – have all the gear you could want - or Shop Online USA - cheeper – I have found though that your gear list evolves as you tramp, meet other people share ideas and experience the outdoors – and with an increasing desire (for me anyway) to shave weight where possible :)
  • any recommendations on Jackets? I like the kind og heavy duty goretex things in bivouac and snogum. Thoughts?
  • I bought a goretex something or other from snowgum today. hopefully it keeps me dry, testing it out on Friday.
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Forum Beginners and newbies
Started by TerminalAddict
On 17 January 2011
Replies 4
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