Please visit my website

  • It has trip reports and photos associated.. Thanks Phillip
  • Updated my site so any people who have already visited ive added photos and more trip reports
  • Yep my sit still up there for anyone wanting to look at some trip reports and photos
  • Just completed a trip into the ruahines and have got a trip report and photos up now Thanks Phillip
  • Added some forums where anyone can add anything and a guestbook ANYONE can sign into. Just post your question and I;ll answer it as soon as possible, depends if im out in the bush somewhere. Remember site is ( Thanks Phillip
  • Just had a quick look at your website, Phillip. Quite interesting. Will visit and participate in the forum/s when time permitting. Have started looking for genuine sites related to hiking. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Dzung
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Forum The campfire
Started by
On 8 June 2008
Replies 5
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