Emergency Foods?

  • Curious to know if anyone has tried any of the product from this site; https://freezedriedemergencyfood.co.nz/ They say each of the packets contains four serves, then had a look at the additional info for the packets and the serves are listed by weight. Didn't look to be overly generous, but then if it's emergency food I suppose the nutritional value is more important than quantity.
  • It seems like a good deal. I looked at the GF one. Of course it's wierd American stuff but then our BCC has some nasty ingredients sometimes. Quite hilarious to see you can order $9,000 worth on some of these orders.
  • mcdonalds will last about as long... due kedgley had a mcd's hamburger sitting out in her shed for years and no mould growth on it...
  • I purchased a bucket of Wises product from Bass Pro website and a friend brought it back to NZ. 72 serves does not mean 72 packets. 1 packet may supposedly have 4 servings etc. We have taken to making our own meals, dehydrating and sealing in a Vac bag etc.
  • Mcdonalds burgers are low in moisture which is why they do not grow mould. Keep them moist and they would rot just like any other food.
  • @Richbonn Yes, it is quite clear that each packet supposedly serves 4. But I also noted the serve weights, listed seem a little on the light side. However is this weight measured as the dried food weight or the re hydrated weight? That remains unclear to me. With your experience perhaps you can throw some light on that? In your opinion how did the 4 serve portions stack up? Would they be sufficient at the end of a hard days tramp to replenish a body's reserves and be adequate for the next day? Or would they as I suspect be a bit on the light side and inadequate for high energy activities? Would be interested in your thoughts on that
    This post has been edited by the author on 18 September 2017 at 21:09.
  • As a ballpark figure, the BCC and Outdoor Gourmet packets offer respectively 90g for a single serve BCC and175g for a double serve BCC and the OG double is 190g. Most of us need to chuck in another 50 - 100g to make a reasonable evening meal serving. My breakfast serving is 100g cereal plus 50g milk powder. So you could figure that a dinner serving of this American dehy would be say 150g minimum. That might give you some idea of how many servings you're getting in a packet. The wet weight of a reconstituted dehi meal would probably be a minimum of 350g i.e. 100g dehi and 250g water. I once did a trip with a youngish fella who was happy to have a single serve BCC meal with no extras - much to my amazement.
  • Here's a recent article about Wises foods I just read. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-11-22/business-is-booming-for-america-s-survival-food-king They are the big/mass producer in the freeze dried/emergency food market. Personally I would use them as reserve food on a tramp (or the last day(s) meal on a long tramp) if the packets worked out at a better price than buying individually. But it doesn't look the case. For example, with the 60 serve mains pack. https://freezedriedemergencyfood.co.nz/product/60-serve-mains-bucket-240-00/ Cheesy Lasagna 4 Servings Ala King and Rice 8 Servings Pasta Alfredo 8 Servings Chili Macaroni 8 Servings Savoury Stroganoff 8 Servings Creamy Pasta & Vege Rotini 8 Servings Teriyaki and Rice 8 Servings Tomato Basil Soup 8 Servings If each packet is 4 servings, then there is 15 packets for $290 ... thats just under $20 a packet. I see from the screenshots a packet is 260gm. You can pick up 2 servings packs of BCC mains at Torpedo7 for $10 each (3 for $30). Each are 175gm. So it's a better deal buying BCC, in this case, as the equivalent 4 serving is ~30% larger and you have smaller individual packs that you can mix-match.
  • Re Honoras` comment.This old boy can chew the leg off an iron chair at home but a single BCC does me on the hill.I figure that I have enough reserves that my system can eat a bit of fat off my bones,if necessary.On a 18 day tramp I ate a barely adequate quantity(carrying more weight was impractical) but lost weight by the finish.With my penchant for food,I replaced the deficit pretty quickly!Conversly,my underweight,unfit companion put on weight-muscle I figured.She`s built like a gum-diggers dog.
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Forum Food
Started by FrankB
On 17 September 2017
Replies 8
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