Stripping email addresses

  • Email addresses posted in forum messages are stripped out. This is to protect you from email address harvesting for spam purposes. What do you think of this approach? Do you want to be protected from spam or do you want to share your email address easily? I could simply let people share their email address and add a warning of the potential consequences of doing so. MW
  • Leave it the way it is. I'd rather be protected in the open forum. Many people may not be aware of the private mail, from the front page the only place where it is apparent is the Inbox in the top LH corner. Maybe it should be in the top menu.
  • I aggree with pmke. No point in over-advertising email addresses as I am sure that there a lot of people who browse the site but are not members. Thanks for the tip on the inbox location. I knew that there must have been an easy way to access the private email!
  • Yes I like it the way it is, personally. People who want to be contacted should just ensure they've enabled sending and receiving internal mail with that tick-box in the profile settings. The system emails you when you receive something anyway, so people should be alerted through email regardless if someone sends them something.
  • Yeah its fine the way it is. Its simple enough to type your email adress using (at) and (dot) to get around the filter and spambots usually cant pick those up.
  • Hi Matthew, I think it is good the way it is. I didn't want to go and try the AT-DOT thing right after my first attempt was stripped because I wasn't sure if you didn't want email addresses posted in general. Now that I know - no problem! Maybe it would be good to have a FAQ somewhere that explains these type of things briefly. If it exists, maybe put a more visible link somewhere, as I couldn't find it. Bottomline: No problem and makes good sense. Cheers, Matt PS: The stripping protected me already in this case. I do not normally post email addresses other than DOT-AT type, but due to a cold my brain wasn't working and I forgot that. Thanks!
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Started by matthew
On 18 April 2010
Replies 5
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