Tongariro NP Parking

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  • The final decision has been made by DOC after feedback and… it's even worse. Overnight parking in Whakapapa is now completely forbidden. One possible exception: "Walkers with a hut booking receive a carparking pass to park in the carpark opposite the VC overnight." If you are going to a hut that can't be booked (eg. on the round the mountain, or in winter) you'll have to park somewhere else (where?!). "No overnight parking will be permitted in Whakapapa Village during the periods May – mid Oct each year." club members are advised to use shuttles and not park anywhere overnight either. How the hell are you supposed to do overnight walks if you can't park anywhere? For the round the mountain it is bad: you cannot really leave your car at Tukino rd or Ohakune rd as leaving a car on an empty road for 5-6 days doesn't sound like a good idea if you want to be able to find your car when you come back… The complete decision: """ The formal public notification process generated seven submissions and a detailed summary is provided in Table 2 (appendix 1). The following five recommendations have been adopted: 1. To enable for snow clearing and bus manoeuvring no overnight car parking for private vehicles will be permitted in the bus park or in Whakapapa Village during the periods of May-mid October each year (aside from residential parking and customer parking at accommodation facilities); 2. The Department will work with RAL and RMCA to monitor use and accessibility of overnight carparking at the Top of Bruce Road this winter season; 3. An additional P15 space on the access drive to the Holiday Park, to provide space for customers and to avoid congestion; 4. A pilot procedure will be trialled where summer walkers with a hut booking receive a carparking pass to park in the carpark opposite the visitor centre overnight for the period mid-October to April each year. """
  • they will probably setup park and ride, once they ban parking on the tongariro crossing road, then people would just park around whakapapa in summer overloading the place for anyone else who wants to park there
  • Yes, but let us not lose sight of the clever decisions by both local and central government. They can now claim as more shuttle services are required that they have provided a significant boost in jobs and an improved local economy. Plus put restrictions in place via third parties to limit the numbers and thus create an exclusive experience for those that can afford it. Bugger the poor Joe Blow that just wants to get out into the back country for a bit of exercise and recreation. They will no longer be able to afford to do so. Personally I believe that something had to be done to limit numbers and prevent a national disaster occurring on the TC. But not enough thought into finding an equitable solution has gone into it. I guess I am just more than a little miffed at the government and whatever agency they appoint to take care of the unique wilderness areas that this country has left, which is little enough, then trying to turn everything into some form of Disney Land theme park.
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 27 February 2017
Replies 12
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