Fiordland or Nepal??

  • @kreig coming home May 19th all going to plan, will just miss you. My experience with AMS was not pleasant but taught me some valuable lessons. I like to hoon up things at lower altitude, just need to stop and admire the views more often above 4000m (which isn't too hard to do if I'm honest). Have also booked an extra night at Lukla on the way up to kick start the process.
  • Yeah I'm with you Hutch. I'll spend an extra night in Lukla, and will take my time around (up!) the tracks. With 9 weeks, and a rough plan to do only two or three treks, plus hit some epic white water, I have the time to be slow and sensible about things. Plus my fitness is NOT where it should be for hitting 5-6K passes, so I'm probably not going to have much of a choice but to go slow! :D At any rate, it's going to be the one thing it needs to be; EPIC!
  • 9 weeks! Lucky bugger :-D
  • Decided I'm going to bus to Jiri and start walking from there. Will add a week, but a week at 'lower' altitudes will help me. :)
  • Like hutchk said take it easy up the hills once you gain a bit of altitude. I found it hard the 1st few times I went. I was very fit and didn't want anybody to pass me going up the hills (big mistake) When I had a guide he went that slow up the hills I just about kept losing my balance and I had no problems with the altitude.
  • Coming in from jiri is tough work. There is far more up and downs than from lukla to base camp. I would think hard about that if not not at optimum fitness.
  • @robertbrown glad it wasn't just me! I made the exact same mistake, blitzed past everybody on the way up (to the point my guide gave up and just pointed me at the next stop each morning), then paid for it big time. Lots of lemon ginger tea stops this time around :-D
  • An old man taught me early in my tramping days the pride comes before the fall. Those are very true words for trampers especially fit ones.
  • Yep, I'm just cruisin' for these 9 weeks. There'll be no 'blitzing' on my part! :D Also, I'm taking a bivy with me, so if I'm going even slower than the distance between teahouses (I've got no idea), then I'll just rack out somewhere. ;)
  • Reminds me of the German guy I trekked with. He bought a bivvy bag the whole way with him for the purpose of staying over night at EBC. Well suffice to say it stayed in his pack and we retreated back to the freezing tea house in Gorak Shep. Don't worry about the bivvy bag bro the teahouses are littered everywhere, and if they aren't there it's probably not a good place to kip.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 28 February 2017
Replies 80
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