Fiordland or Nepal??

  • the flight to nepal will happen with or without Kreig, he isnt responsible for all the jets emissions, they are shared so they are a lot less per person than four years of car use. Do you walk to your tramps Honora? Kreig does the vast majority of his travelling locally and therefore i think does his bit to minimise pollution, especially compared to the average person living in the modern world. I dont see anything wrong with him going to nepal.. start another blog on pollution and leave him alone if you want to lecture people. most people arent doing enough to save the planet as it is, lecturing kreig on one international flight is just ridiculous. I'd worry more about cruise ships, th average ocean liner emits as much sulphur as 20 million cars, not to mention the carbon emitted, ever bought anything made overseas? well guess what it has to get shipped here by polluting machines. living a modern life in NZ is going to be polluting to the planet whether you like it or not...
    This post has been edited by the author on 1 March 2017 at 07:03.
  • I'm booked for another 4 weeks in Nepal, flying out April 29th (EBC, Gokyu, faffing around in KTM). Incredible country - really gets under your skin. I'd go every year if time and wife would allow :-)
  • Have you done EBC and the cho la pass before hutchk?
  • @Wayno: I don't know what precipitated your offensive response to my post. Kreig asked for advice and I provided some that is relevant. This scientifically determined information may be of interest to others on this forum.
    This post has been edited by the author on 1 March 2017 at 23:00.
  • Hmmm..... Well, I don't have the time (or inclination) to swim/walk there, so I guess I'll be taking an evil plane. ;) Please don't attack each other; I didn't take Honora's post to be having a go at me, so it's all good anyway. :) Now that I've decided to go, and have determined I'll have 9 weeks there, any suggestions would be appreciated. The only ones I know about are Annapurna Circuit, EBC, and epic rafting. Any other tramping gems would be much appreciated!
  • i dont thoink my response is offensive, thats the way you interpret it, i'm responding to the information you provided which I"m trying to show is actually incorrect, we can agree to disagree but I think your post could also be construed as ofensive, depends how you want to interpret something... it can look judgmental when you try and tell someone they shouldnt do something because its "bad" for the "envionment"
  • Krieg there are tons of tramping routes in Nepal. But the 3 passes EBC (you have to do the cho la pass) and Annapurna circuit with the base camp trek tagged on would be a great way to start off in Nepal. Pokhara is a great place to base yourself for rafting and the Annapurna. Lonely planets trekking in the Nepal himalaya is a great book to get.
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 March 2017 at 11:13.
  • @gaiters nope - tried in 2015, got AMS, got choppered out. Going back for a second crack at it and doing things a little differently this time (overnighting in Lukla before I start, and sloooooowwwwwwinggggg dowwwwwwwn). 59 days to go!
  • Bummer slow and steady wins the race with that altitude. It makes a real big difference. Good luck this time.
  • Flights booked!!! So, here's the skinny..... My contract officially ends 30th April. Pushing for a few extra weeks' work, but if I don't get it, well, I'll smash out Dusky and maybe hit up Stewart Island. Fly to Auckland the 27th of May. Going to the Broncos v Warriors game that evening. 28th, fly Malaysian Airlines to Kathmandu; 13-hour layover in Kuala Lumpur. No big deal though, as I know KL pretty well and will wander into the city for awhile. Once I get to Kathmandu, I'll probably hang there for a few days, check the place out. I'll also look at weather, opportunities for adventure, and decide on the fly exactly what I'm going to do, and when. I shall at the very least do an epic rafting expedition, and a crap-load (yep, that's a technical term) of trekking! I'll have the time to take things slowly. I imagine AMS bites the big one. I do not want it. No sireee! So, ego will take a back seat, and I'll simply listen to my body. If it takes me twice as long do a particular trek compared to most people, I don't care. Fly back to Auckland on the 29th July. Have to be back in Te Anau mid August, so will probably rip down to the Tararuas for a sneaky week or two on the way back to the Mainland. ;)
    This post has been edited by the author on 2 March 2017 at 21:54.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 28 February 2017
Replies 80
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