Tongariro NP Parking

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  • DOC have sent out a memo to park concession holders inviting them to a meeting Following numerous engagement with stakeholders DOC has made the following decisions: 1. Limited Term Car parking Whakapapa Village Parking 120 minutes will be introduced into Whakapapa Village to reduce the traffic congestion in both summer and winter months but allow for visitors to do short walks and visit Visitor Centre etc. This decision will apply from Saturday 26th May 2017. 2. Restricted Car parking on Ketetahi and Mangatepopo Roads Car parking on Ketetahi and Mangatepopo Roads will be strictly limited to existing designated carparks. This means 35 parks at Ketetahi Road and 65 at Mangatepopo. This decision will apply from Saturday 21 October 2017.
  • Too bad if you want to do Round the Mountain/Northern Circuit.
  • a lot of people using up the parking spaces are people just stopping for a short visit anyway, having something to eat a short walk and visiting the visitor centre so banning long term parking at whakapapa wont make much difference but they are probably now worried that a lot of the tongariro crossing cars are going to come over and park at whakapapa, so now they have just made issues worse by affecting whakapapa as well... so DOC are really sidestepping the issue about what to do about the excess cars and making them someone elses problem, instead of doing what tasmania did and spend money on a park and ride setup...
  • The toilets are struggling to cope too. Local iwi picked up six buckets of human waste on a single day last Labour Weekend.
  • Top marks to local iwi. No marks to DOC who had half the toilets at Soda Springs closed. This was at Labour Weekend. Also toilets at Mangetepopo carpark were a mess. Signs up prohibiting overnight camping, but there was plenty of just that going on when we arrived at 6am. Pity its not enforced. Just spoils it for everyone else.
    This post has been edited by the author on 27 February 2017 at 20:00.
  • i've heard an unofficial comment that There are rumours that the local Maori like to build a massive car park and take over all the commercial transport in the area to the local hikes, ski fields and Whakapapa Village. its going to be mayhem until a better solution is arrived at to deal with all the cars
  • Perhaps the Doc decision is designed to push and make the rumour something more substantial. Local Councils, Doc and private enterprise haven't made any difference or real improvements thus far. Why not pass it on, it just might be exactly what is needed.
  • I emailed the Whakapapa visitor centre this morning regarding parking for the Round the Mountain Track once these new rules come in and this is their reply: "We do have long term parking here in the whakapapa village. You can also register your car here with us at the visitors centre."
  • once they limit the parking on the crossing , what little long term parking they have at whakapapa will get snapped up first thing every morning... they are limiting the parking at whakapapa to prevent a flood of cars from the crossing....
  • Cheers Briar. That's good info to have.
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 27 February 2017
Replies 12
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