Whirinaki Plateau Road Access

  • Hi Everybody. Just joined the site although I have been following it for a while now. Found it a great source of info. I was wondering if anybody had been into the Whirinaki Plateau Road end recently as I am thinking taking a youth group into there during the school holidays. I noticed pmke has posted a gpx for a route off SH5. Is this really suitable for 2 wheel drive vehicles? The forestry permit people seem to think that 4WD is required on their roads. In fact, the person we spoke to tried to discourage us from going in that end citing all sorts of risks including hunters! I would like to know if anyone has driven over the road with a 2WD in the last month or so and what sort of condition it was in.
  • I drove over the road last weekend and it is suitable for 2 wheel drive. There is one small section between Minginui and Plateau which is a little washed out, but it is just a matter of slowing down and driving with care. It is all good pumice country so there is no mud. The road between SH5 and plateau is excellent. Don't know what your informant is talking about. When driving on forest roads it is the convention to keep headlights on. Another point is that there was some trouble with vandalism at the Plateau carpark a few years back. I am not sure if that still is a problem. You mention risk from hunters etc. This is typical, people get the impression that the bush will be crawling with hunters at roar time. My experience is that you won't find hunters very far way from the road ends and huts, and it is very unlikely they will mistake a noisy talking tramper for a deer. I suggest ringing DOC at the Murupara office (07-3661080) if you want more information. The guy there told me that they have just managed to stop the security company from stopping vehicles that were legally using the easement so it looks like there may be a little tension there. It would also pay to have a map and good navigator or a GPS as there are few signs on the corners and it would be easy to take a wrong turn.
  • Thanks for the info. I'm of the same opinion as you about the hunters so not too concerned about that issue. I'm surprised about the vandalism at Plateau carpark as I thought it would be too far out for the average vandal to bother going there. We intend getting a permit anyway as there is no cost involved, so hopefully that will satisfy any overly vigilant inspectors. As for maps - I won't be going anywhere without one. I like to study them up well beforehand to get a good mental picture of the route - whether road trips or tramping. Thanks again for the advice.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by simmo
On 31 March 2010
Replies 2
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