Wellington tramping clubs

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  • I was considering joining a tramping club in Wellington, and was hoping to get some opinions on the various options, and what might suit me best. For reference I am early 30s, already a keen tramper but want to meet more people to go with, and am wanting to push things a bit further towards alpine climbs and ski touring.
  • @abc123, At the risk of sounding biased, I'll plug my club the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering club first. Sounds like you'll fit in well here with us. We had a new members night last week but come along to any club meeting (every Wednesday @7:30pm at the TTC Hall at 4 Moncrieff Street in Mt Victoria. Check out WTMC at wtmc.org.nz. Other clubs in Wellngton are: Tararua Tramping Club ttc.org.nz Vic Uni tramping club new.vuwtc.org.nz Meetup group www.meetup.com/WellingtonTrampingGroup also check out fmc.org.nz for directory of affiliated clubs in Wellington.
  • tararua club tends to be more older people. middle aged and retired..
  • There are 6 main clubs in wellington plus a walking group that does tramp based in upper hutt Hutt Valley tramping club probably has the most diverse age range of the local clubs and is a good active club They have club rooms in Birch street waterloo. I have been a member for about 5 years so obviously biased.No parking hassels if you leave your car outside there for a weekend trip. Kumatua also meets in these rooms but I believe you have to be at least 50 to join. I have a few friends in that club but all are a lot older than 50 Tararua Tramping club is the oldest club in the country having been around nearly a year longer than Hutt valley club. Its membership is quite mature but still a good club. They have club rooms in Moncreath Street Mount Victoria Wellington tramping club is a younger club and very active. I used to be a member some 30+ years ago before having kids. They meet in the Tararua club rooms. Catholic Tramping club. I know they are a good size and do get out and about but very little more. Vic Tramping club Based around vic uni Its hard to say which club would suit you best as this depends on where in Wellington you live and more importantly how you get on with those there. Go to a evening meeting or 2 to get a feel for the club and get onto a trip or 2 to make sure its what you want
  • Hi @abc123. Try turning up to the TTC clubrooms at Moncrieff Street on Tuesday night, then turn up to the same place on Wednesday night, and you'll get a comparable impression of both the TTC and the WTMC in that order. VUWTC also gets out lots, but it tends to be focused around either Vic Uni students or former Vic Uni students who never got around to leaving the club. Each club has a personality (and that's only three of them), but fortunately in Wellington there's lots of variety to choose from. Your exact location might also have lots to do with it. eg. For the WTMC, nearly all multi-day trips leave from the Wellington Railway Station at about 5.15pm on a Friday night. Sometimes it's possible to arrange to be collected on the way out if you're in the right direction, but if you can't make that time and place then you might have trouble fitting into the club.
  • Whether or not the club has a hut in the mountains might be a factor too. I recall when I was in the WTMC in the 80's they had a really good club hut up on Ruapehu which was good for instruction courses (and skiing).
  • Sounds like you're a WTMC type, but in Wellington you're spoiled for choice. This city is still the spiritual home of tramping in NZ.
  • TTC, WTMC and HVTC all have their lodges on Ruapehu which can be great. I'm not sure about the others, but it'd not necessarily mean the others don't do similar things.
  • Thanks for the info! Sounds like WTMC might be the way, although a sample of each couldn't hurt.
  • Do any accept members from out of region?, could be interested in tagging along on some of their Tararua trips. Having to sign-up three weeks in advance is a bit annoying, what if the weather is crap.
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Forum The campfire
Started by abc123
On 13 October 2016
Replies 13
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