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  • Yes, farters should also be made to sleep outside.. downwind from the dogs... Don,t want the poor doggies with their sensitive noses having to put up with that! Huts are for humans, and cute pets... not for savages.
  • Got a great item to solve all your problems. Dogs, snorers, farters, late arrivals: Buy a tent. Works for me. Seriously. If you're going to take a dog, and it won't sleep outside alone, take a tent. If others are there, dogs in huts is with their freely given permission only. no pressure applied. End of story. From someone who's dog goes on all tramps with him(,xcept where expressly prohibited).
  • You are correct madpom, snorers and farters should buy and use tents. They still need to remember to pitch them far away from anybody else.
  • I suspect you're deliberately misunderstanding me. Huts are for everyone: if (like me) you can't abide disturbance from others, get a tent. People have a moral obligation to minimise their disturbance of others as much as they can but that doesn't extend to excluding them from huts just because they have a medical condition, plan on leaving early (hunters, alpinists), arrive late (workers). The fact that you're (I'm) a light sleeper is not their fault.
    This post has been edited by the author on 25 September 2016 at 19:58.
  • I have come to a conclusion: If your hearty enough to go tramping but cant sleep through noise then maby you should be a hairdresser instead
  • don't think I'd make a good hairdresser. Not really keen on all that touchin & fondlin stuff. Think I'll stick to tramping even if it means sharin the tent with the dog.
    This post has been edited by the author on 25 September 2016 at 20:39.
  • Strangely I'm a very light sleeper at home and get woken up by all manner of "town" noises but have never had a significant problem with snorers in huts. Certainly had a few in huts with me but have always managed to sleep through - guess I am just tired.
  • Not a tramping experience, but a little annecdote from my interrail trips: I thought it was a good idea, to take the night train from Hamburg to Munich, so I could get some sleep and feel fresh in the morning, and enjoy the rides on the connecting trains to Croatia. So I booked a bunk. There were 6 bunks in the compartment, and like in a bad movie, I had really all of these nasty guys in there.. - the guy with the smelly feet - a mother with a small kid, who started arguing with the smelly feet guy, that he should sleep in his shoes. The kid was crying for an unknown reason. - an old man, who snored very loud and all through the night - a lady at one of the top bunks, who talked on her phone for hours I had ear plugs, but I couldn`t sleep, having them in my ears, because there was so much pressure in my ear, and I couldn`t get used to listen to my own heartbeat.. So I took them out, and had no sleep at all.
  • I have slept okay on trains, the few times I have taken them, Much nicer then buses, which are much nicer then planes. I find a bottle of whisky is a good way to get to sleep when in backpacking dorm rooms. Works better then ear plugs.
  • A bottle of whiskey? youd be smashed by the end of that (I would be anyway) and probably wake up throwing your guts out
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Forum The campfire
Started by [Deleted]
On 24 September 2016
Replies 31
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