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  • i'm prepared to have my account deleted from this forum theres so much negative feed back from so many people on my opinions, people looking down and casting judgment, you can choose to get rid of me now. i may leave anyway, i dont feel much community feeling here, theres as much sniping as there is anything going on. thers not much positive going on for me here try as i may to help, i can hear the cheers going up. believe it or not i live quite peacably on other forums without the conflict i get here
    This post has been edited by the author on 26 August 2016 at 18:46.
  • Stay. I've already said once today I like your posts. I disagree with you on some things but I hope that's not coming off as sniping or negativity? Who agrees with everything everyone says?
  • I would be concerned if people with differing opinions weren't welcome on a forum. As long as nothing descends into trolling or name calling (which I don't think it does) then it is just healthy debate.
  • We concur, a health debate is good, It sometimes helps to inform and educate,
  • Your participation is invaluable @waynowski. Few people are as up-to-date with NZ tramping/outdoor news so you play a very important role in the discussion.
  • Havent a large portion of those that have sniped you etc then gone on to prove they were not suitable people to be on this forum. You will remember those that walked and those those that were pushed. Your input is valuable on many different facets of this forum and our hobby in general. We may not always agree but I hope any disagreement from me hasnt been taken as a personal attack. It was never meant to be. I try hard to stick to the topic but dont always choose my words that well. One of the moderators on another forum has a signature that I think fits well here. This quote isnt word for word but close enough. "I might not always agree with your comment but I respect your right to make that comment and will defend your right to say so to the fullest extent" Trampers are a widely varied bunch from the swandri wearing elder statesmen of the sport through to young teenagers just starting out in borrowed gear to businessmen part time warriors that have to have the latest greatest and most expensive. There is a place for us all and we need to get on but we must all accept we are not always going to agree on everything. Please stay
  • Stay wayno. I value your experience, views and input to the forum. I'd love to have a quarter of your knowledge.
  • Yup. Please stay. I value your perspectives.
  • Carry on regardless in what you believe in.
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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 26 August 2016
Replies 9
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