Posting photos in a thread

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  • Google drive is a fail but you could try there picassa It strips the .jpg in the link but reinserts it as you download. No good for an embedded link probably by design I can see a picture of a rock climber but cant make it appear here
  • It should be possible to use any of those photo hosting / sharing sites like Flickr or similar? I'd assumed it was a dead easy thing to do.
  • Thanks Ian_H. I'm on a Mac too, but unfortunately I can't find "copy public link" anywhere. Either I'd have to go 'Pro' or I'm missing something somewhere.
  • Another way to look at this. If you post a link it isnt very tidy but it does work. Its not hard for anyone to follow the link. A dedicated photo posting site is the better option though
  • Hi, Posting links to photos is no problem if they are licenced appropriately. If not, then that's a breach of copyright (just like copying from a book). At this stage they will only display if they end in ".jpg", ".gif", or ".png" though. If there are other sources that should work but don't, let me know!
  • Testing another option:
  • The above link ends with ".jpg" and works as outside this forum as a stand-alone link. This page is not displaying the preview, comes up with a broken linked image icon. Interesting...
    This post has been edited by the author on 31 May 2016 at 18:49.
  • 1 deleted message from JETNZ
  • That link to facebook works when you have a logged in facebook account. However I just copied the link into a different browser that does not know my facebook account and I got a big please log in instead of the picture. Facebook locks things down to users it knows to prevent embedded links. The link looks like a proper jpg image but it is not because of trickery at facebooks end Embedded links are where copyright problems occur because it can prevent the copyright owner recieving ad revenue etc (facebook considers itself copyright owner of all that is posted there) Posting links gets round this as it tells you to go to the proper site to see something. Thats why we post links to news media articles instead of copying and pasting the whole lot. The catch with your facebook link though is forum software will read the link as an embedded image as that is what it looks like but it is not. That is why it shows as a broken image not a link Matthew must of worked hard getting it to work as nearly all other forum software requires you to specify that the link is an image by placing it within [img] brackets.
  • Interesting @geeves. I pasted it into Firefox that is not logged into my FB account and it did load but I got prompted to log in. I chose "Not Now" and was able to view the photo. It's possible to ID the photo in the URL (between the underscores) and using that you can generate an abridged URL like this: You get exactly the same result as before, requesting to sign up but displaying the image. It's so easy with other websites like Flickr etc. Just FB has the upperhand on us.
  • Only way I know to get any picture from anywhere to link is to first get it to a page that has nothing except the picture and a link in the address bar that ends in jpg If either is wrong it doesnt work and never will. Facebook is not following the html rules with the way they show there images and the only way to make it work is to also break the rules.
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Forum This website
Started by Ian_H
On 28 May 2016
Replies 21
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