Zit Saddle/Lathrop Saddle Route

  • Hey has anyone been through the Toaroha/Zit Saddle/kokatahi saddle/Lathrop saddle/styx river route recently? I'm planning on heading in there next month over three days and just wanted an update on track conditions if you've been between Grassy Flat Hut and Adventure Bivvy this year? Or if anyone has times for getting between these points?
  • It's usually two days between those points. Approx 1½ hrs from Grassy to Browning Biv, then 2½ hrs on to the new Top Crawford Hut and then 3 to 3¼ hrs to Crawford Junction would be one day. Crawford Junction to the new Top Kokatahi Hut is about 3¾ to 4hrs and then it is 2hrs on to Adventure Biv. From there it is just 1hr 10 mins down hill to Cedar Flat if you wanted to continue. These times are from when I last did it in that direction when in my mid fifties. Bear in mind I'm familiar with the route & my times will be less than the times on DOC info. Don't know how fit you are? I've just checked and DebK909 has a write up of her trip on this site including times. Between the two of us you should get a useful indication of how long it may take. http://tramper.nz/7848/toaroha-zit-saddle-kokatahi-lathrop-saddle-styx-river-route/
  • Thanks that gives me a really good starting point... Will just have to see if the weather comes to the party.
  • @ Airway Spies FYI the first snowfalls of the year have now happened and there is snow on Zit Saddle (I can see it from home) There will be snow on Lathrop Saddle too. It is strongly recommended that you take an ice axe! Crampons might be handy as well depending on how icy things are when in the shady bits of the Crawford & Kokatahi below the Saddles.
  • We will definitely be taking ice axe and crampons, I'd rather carry them the whole way than have to turn back because we didn't have them. We are aiming to walk it in three days (we did the 3 passes in average weather in just over two) so we are just weighing up that middle section and whether we can pull it off if we get held up by snow. Technically, we shouldn't have any issues with the route but as you mentioned there is some nav involved and it would be our first time in the valleys after we leave the Styx.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Airway Spies
On 16 May 2016
Replies 4
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