3-4 day tramp in May

  • Hi all, my first post and I'm looking for suggestions on a 3-4 day tramp in the North Island for the first week in May. I have five and a half days clear (Jun 30th - May 5th) but that needs to include travel time to and from Auckland by car. I'll be tramping solo (my partner can't get holiday unfortunately), so that's a consideration. Loop tracks to get me back to my car would probably be easiest but trips with shuttle/bus return to my car are fine too. I've been thinking of the Round the Mountain track at Ruapehu (don't think there's enough time without some BIG days), the Tongariro Northern Circuit and Lake Waikaremoana (time might be an issue again). It's not that I'm particularly after Great Walks - I prefer more isolated routes but don't quite know where to start (and was thinking the Walks wouldn't be so busy the first week in May ). The Te Urewera, Kaweka and Ruahine ranges all look amazing but as I don't know the areas I'd need some potential route suggestions. In terms of the tramping I like - I prefer tops/hills with views rather than being in the bush/forest for the entire time. Huts are great but I carry a tent with me anyway so they're not compulsory. I'm an experienced 43-year-old hiker/tramper with plenty of UK summer/winter hiking and military experience. Here in NZ I've done multi-day tramps across Pirongia, the Pinnacles, the Pouakai circuit etc. Your best suggestions would be appreciated! Ben
    This post has been edited by the author on 8 April 2016 at 15:46.
  • Hi @Benwah I haven't done many North Island hikes but I did walk Waikaremoana recently. My trip went like this: - Sun arvo: drove to Big Bush, spent night in backpackers, left car there - Mon morning: Big Bush drive you to Onepoto, 5min by car. Walked to Waiopaoa Hut. Great views along bluff. - Tues: walked to Waiharuru Hut. Around lake edge, mostly under cover, in different sections of bush + Korokoro Falls. - Wed: walked to Whanganui Hut (only 1.5h). Big Bush pick you up by boat 10am and take you back to your car. There are so many huts and campsites that you could easily stretch it out to a full 3-4 days if you wanted. I was initially hesitant to do this track bc I also like a loop and I thought organising the transfers was going to be a hassle, but it was actually really easy through the Big Bush website. Alternatively you could camp at the campsite nearer to the lake and only utilise Big Bush for the return boat trip. Waikaremoana didn't seem remote to me but then it's all relative depending on what you're used to at home. Definitely had the views/hills you like on the first day. The second day was not as interesting but still beautiful. The bonus is being able to swim in the lake morning and night.
  • Round Ruapehu can be fairly comfortably walked in 4 days. Granted, they're not short days but with any modicum of fitness it is easily achievable. Much of the route is in the open with some areas of beech forest. Day 1: Whakapapa - Mangaturuturu Hut Day 2: To Blythe or Mangaheuheu Hut Day 3: to Rangipo Hut Day 4: Past Waihohonu out to Whakapapa. Round Mt Taranaki is also achievable in 5 days including drive time from Auckland (weather permitting). In the Kaimanawas there is the Umukarikari / Waipakahi River / Urchin loop (2-3 days). In the Ruahines we've done Purity Hut - Pourangaki Hut - Kelly Knight Hut. Day 2 is all tops and day 3 is either river bashing or up and over the tops. The first and last huts are only 2-3 hours from the road end which makes the commute to Auckland relatively easy.
  • I'd second the Waipakahi Hut loop in the Kaimanawa's as a good option. If you prefer tops rather than heading out down Waipakahi River you can climb on to Middle Range and traverse Thunderbolt and Moutere. Will need a tent as you will need to camp by the river. If you go out over Urchin you will end up with an approx 5km road walk back to Umakarikari carpark and your vehicle. Instead of going over Urchin you can take the track that links back to the Umakarikari range near Sharp Cone you can then head back to Umakarikari Carpark. The Tongariro Northern Circuit is a very cruisy four day trip though you will want to check conditions on it before you go. You could try Sawtooth Ridge in the Ruahines as well if you like tops trips. You would again want to check conditions. In normal conditions the ridge is pretty easy trouble if a little exposed occasionally. However, if it was icey it would be a different proposition. You can easily make a three day trip if you go in from Kashmir Rd to Howletts Hut then head along to Sawtooth Ridge and around Black Ridge to Daphne Hut then back out to the car.
  • Thank you for the suggestions! Much appreciated. I love this part of planning a trip - the anticipation and pouring over maps for routes and ideas! I'm thinking the Waipakihi hut option with Thunderbolt and Motutere, up to Sharp Cone and back to the car park. Now I know the weather can be hugely different from week to week, but any rough ideas of tops travel at the start of May? Is snow/frost likely or is the main concern wind and visibility? Thanks Ben
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by benwah
On 8 April 2016
Replies 4
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