Forum changes

  • Hi everybody, Clearly there has been an uncomfortable level of conflict here recently. While different points of view are interesting, attacks, trolling, and "robust" debate can damage the community. Accordingly, I am making some changes. The forum rules are now considerably longer and documented here. Later these will be transferred into a "Community code of conduct" document that will apply to the whole site -- and will hopefully be shorter! Secondly, I am adding some moderation guidance to threads and moderation indicators to posts so that you can see if a post is subject to moderation. This makes it clearer whether or not something is actually being done. In general, moderation takes time. Please do flag posts that you feel breach the rules. This is the best way of reporting concerns. Thanks for your patience. I am acutely aware that I've failed to provide a positive and safe environment here. Matthew
  • @Matthew: "I am acutely aware that I've failed to provide a positive and safe environment here." Don't be too harsh on yourself, Matthew. The only way you would have gained that degree of preemptive insight is if you had previous experience of overcoming similar issues on another community forum. It's good to see other contributors have had similar experiences and give helpful advice and make offers from time to time.
  • I think you are doing a great job, Matthew! Those 'moderation indicators' certainly made me stop and think about what I am writing. When the going gets a bit 'robust' its just showing how different we all are, and you have the unenviable task of seeking, and guiding us towards some degree of acceptability. I am a bit of a 'hermit on the hill' and this forum is a daily 'fix' keeping me in contact with other outdoor enthusiasts. Thank you!
  • @Matthew I think you do an awesome job. Especially since you are doing it by yourself. You can't live on here 24/7........
  • Yes thanks everybody. Every time something goes a bit wrong, I take that as an opportunity to review what's here: rules and infrastructure. It's clear both need work. The rules list is too wrong and doesn't sound much fun. I need to rewrite it in a much more positive way.
  • Thanks for a great site and forum. You are doing as good a job running it as can be done. The topics that have gone off the rails have done so so quickly no forum moderator could of stopped it unless they were monitoring 24/7 which just cannot happen
  • Agree with all of the above. You do a great job Matt, most forums have multiple mods so doing it alone is no small task. The mod indicators are a great idea.
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Forum This website
Started by matthew
On 27 January 2016
Replies 6
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