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  • And as far as multi purpose books go you can't beat a newspaper. You can read it. Do the sudoku. Light a fire. Scrunch it up and shove it in the sleeping back for insulation, Even wipe the proverbial. But I jest, sort of.
  • @Gaiters Thanks bro, my dad does have that Native Trees one, I found the photos and illustrations lacking, but the descriptions were good. Succinct. I think maybe I'm thinking of a more exhaustive book, probably something not travel sized. Maybe people could use newspaper as TP in the old days but these days it's all gloss and ink, imagine trying to use the Viva. Zero purchase. Plus most of the crap in the papers isn't even fit for my rear-end. Haha.
  • Haha. Nice post bro. When your deep in the bush feels the urge and realise you forgot the dunny roll. Well blow me down the np is a savior. There are plenty of exhaustive books on the New Zealand bush, that are library sized. As far as travel sized goes your limited. You just gotta know the difference between your miro and Matai. Your mamaku and wheke. The three main beeches, black, red, silver. Horopito, tarata, pate and tawa. The dif between manuka and kanuka. Kahikatea and Rimu leaves. montane totara and lowland totara. You when you've gone from podocarps to beech. Beech to sub alpine beech. Sub alpine beech to alpine scrub, then alpine tussock. know this stuff your well on your way
    This post has been edited by the author on 21 January 2016 at 20:30.
  • Try this one. Fits in your pocket, I have one plus its opposite number on birds, no weight at all really and very handy.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 27 September 2015
Replies 33
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