Day and night trek across Coromandel.

  • HI all, just needing some info. Im wanting to do a trek across the Coromandel, from one side to the other, passing Mt Moehau, then heading back to start point to car. Keen to check out the mountain and cross the width of the Coro. Im guessing 2 days and an overnight camp half way should be enough time? Anyone done this before? Are there any tracks that do this route or would it be all off track to do? Where would be the best and safest place to leave a car? I appreciate any tips or info.
  • Where do you intend to start and finish from? It is not country you can just stroll across. Moehau (the top of) is a culturally sensitive area people going to the top of it is not appreciated. Have you checked a topo map and studied to contours. Years ago I went to Moehau, and part way up looking for frogs to photograph. It was not what I considered an easy trip. Your comment reads as if you think it will only take 2 days, a day from one side to the other and then back again on untracked terrain. I would consider that somewhat optimistic to say the least.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by BizarreNZ
On 10 January 2016
Replies 1
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