Tramping under the influence of Beta Blockers?

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  • I take Metoprolol also, but on a tramping day don't take them until big hills are out of the way. I usually plan my trips so this happens by lunchtime and I find this helps heaps with the hill climbing. Otherwise it just feels like I have a handbrake on.
  • @HarleyJ, interested in your comments about cramp, something I am unfortunately very prone to following stent and pacemaker implants following which I have been prescribed statins. I will follow this up with medical professionals.
  • Oh yes, statins didn't reduce the number of mitochondria in the study - they reduced mitochondrial activity. I misunderstood the meaning of mitochondrial content. Before the trial, muscle biopsies were taken from each participant to evaluate mitochondrial content, and their aerobic fitness was determined using treadmill testing. All participants were instructed to maintain their regular diet. The participants were then divided into two groups. One group was given a daily 40 mg dose of simvastatin (Zocor). The other group did not receive any medication. Both groups then began a supervised 12-week exercise program, walking or jogging on a treadmill for 45 minutes, five days a week. At the end of the three-month long trial, their aerobic fitness and muscles were retested. The results were astounding: On average, unmedicated volunteers improved their aerobic fitness by more than 10 percent. Mitochondrial content activity increased by 13 percent Volunteers taking 40mg of simvastatin improved their fitness by a mere 1.5 percent on average, and some had reduced their aerobic capacity at the end of the 12-week fitness program. Mitochondrial content activity decreased by an average of 4.5 percent
  • Interesting looking study Honora, I don't think I've seen that one, but I've read a couple of others that have drawn much the same conclusion about mitochondrial activity - hence my previous post :) Work requires me to keep up to speed on these things!
  • Pleased this came up Never occurred to me that statins could effect fitness I take 10 mgs 90 Artovastatin daily and 90 Metrapolol Succ betablocka daily I find that I quickly loose fitness and getting back is hard work. Do some fairly hard farm work, but that isn't enough for hill climbing. usually do at least couple days week climbing to 4000 ft with a pack on, to keep fit When I feel fit, can get around ok, have a done a few longish hard tramps and been ok I am 67, not as fit as in my 50s when I did a lot of mountain running. before betablockers, was getting angina pains when climbing. didn't know why, and Dr put me on that stuff. sill get odd pain if start off too quick but seems to settle down. But then again, it might just be age catching up on me :)
  • @tararuahunter: It might be worth doing some research on various forms of co-enzyme Q10. I took MitoQ for a month but didn't notice any improvement with my symptoms. Alternatively, heart meat has lots of co-enzyme Q 10. If someone could cook a delicious recipe for me, I might give it a go.
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Forum The campfire
Started by antico
On 8 December 2015
Replies 15
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