shooters not identifying targets.

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  • The only instance I can recall was when the spotlighter shot the unfortunate camper who was brushing their teeth and wearing a headlight. Doesn't stop me from being concerned when I'm out in them thar hills though esp. in the roar.
  • 1 deleted message from waynowski
  • Back in the 70's or very early in the 80's in Western Southland a meat hunter shot a Tuatapere based Forest Ranger. I'm pretty sure the Ranger wasn't hunting but may have been timber cruising. Who knows the details?
  • friend of mine was shot at in nelson lakes, never saw the hunter. he yelled out to identify himself and the hunter kept silent.. not sure if he was on a track. i've been in the tararuas with hunters walking up and down the track actively hunting....
  • I'm not sure how much of it has happened outside of hunting (though certainly close calls with trampers), but we had a thread a few years back titled 'mates shooting strangers'.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Pro-active
On 21 August 2015
Replies 53
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