Tramping With A Pacemaker?

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  • Thank you, Honora, for sharing your brother's story. He seems to be doing very well, in spite of his history of heart and breathing related problems. No doubt his habitual aerobic exercising (daily walking, climbing, biking, etc) are helping and that part of the protection mechanism in his case seems to be the growth of collateral circulation feeding the heart muscles.
  • Yes, it's inspiring. Before the heart attack he was doing nothing except overworking, getting stressed, working crazy hours, eating takeaways and smoking. He's knocked all that on the head now.
  • @indigo1, definitely a pacemaker. Was at cardiologists last week and put through stress test. This highlighted the breathing problem and also demonstrated the sudden change and relief when heart rhythm kicked in at correct rate. Now it is back to the pacemaker clinic next Tuesday for adjustments to be made. i still find it strange that I am now upload/downloadable so to speak, I trust I can't be hacked :-) Cardiologist is confident it can be managed with adjustment. He also cleared me for tramping and skydiving subject to the straps involved not placing pressure on the pacemaker or wires. Surfing is not recommended nor swimming or any repetitive motions that involve the arms above shoulder or head high. Apparently it causes too much movement of the muscle under which the pacemaker is inserted and there is a probability of it moving. If the movement is excessive it can cause the wiring to pull from the vein through which they are inserted. This would incur internal bleeding. I wont be arguing that one. Otherwise all good at present.
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Forum The campfire
Started by FrankB
On 28 November 2015
Replies 12
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