Website updates, December 2015

  • Hi everybody, The following changes are live. These changes are partly addressing usability issues and user feedback. They are also partly extending the new visual style into new areas. There will be some follow-up tweaking to address details that aren't quite right. * Redesigned home page layout. Goals were to make the home page more dynamic and more interesting. There are a couple minor issues still to address, including poor layout on mobile devices. * Added Photographs link to the top navigation rail. * Change image engine so that missing images are generated dynamically as needed. This should eliminate broken images once deployed everywhere. * Added track road access fields, plus search for tracks based on road access. * When you run a search, you can now filter your results by type. * Added driving directions for campsites. * Fix "nearby" and "related" links. I hope you like the changes. Let me know if any problems. Matthew
  • thanks, i cant find an easy way to navigate to an entire category like all the forum messages, theres only an option to go to the sub forum topics now
  • Hi @waynowski, you can get a summary of what's new in all forums from the forums button in the rail above. Then there's an option for each individual forum on the right. There's also an option for each forum in the pull-out menu. I think this is probably not what you mean though...?
  • Oh I see what you mean: from the home page the "in the forums" heading is not a link. Will fix.
  • Page for Kay Creek Hut seems broken...
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Forum This website
Started by matthew
On 9 December 2015
Replies 4
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