Sumner to Ross

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  • The family is undertaking a walk from Sumner in Christchurch to Ross on the West Coast. We are doing it in bite-size stages and so far have made it across the city (distracted by skate parks and malls) and out to the Waimakariri River. From here we are heading up river to Kowai Bush and are hoping to get through to Avoca Homestead and then through to Cass, Bealey and onwards. Can anybody tell us if / how to get through this stretch please? We see tracks and train tunnels and bridges which look out of bounds thanks to the heavy coal trains and things, but are unsure and struggling to find any information. Figure about 6-8 days solid tramp to complete our walk - we are taking probably 6-8 months.... Its loads of fun and the kids are loving it and getting into tramping. Thanks in anticipation..
  • Sounds great! If you look at this map, there appears to be a legal road on the true left off the end of Otarama Road -- of course what that looks like on the ground is another matter. Might be worth getting in touch with the local land owner. You hit conservation park at Smuggler Cove, and then you could make your way to Avoca Homestead and out Craigieburn Road. It would be really interesting to hear more about how you go with this. Would you consider writing an article?
  • Did some of that from Otarama Stream (Staircase Viaduct) to Kowhai Bush one evening after climbing Torlesse, Otarama and descending via Otarama Stream. Can't believe we did it, but we were in a bit of a hurry after a long day and used the tunnels! That was 20 years ago on a quiet Sunday evening before the crazy coal train traffic started their 28 wagons/day journeys. Boy, did we run through the tunnels. Not the place to sprain an ankle either. The WAMS site has up to date information on public access. Looks like there are plenty of paper roads to stitch something up.
  • Thanks for the feedback. Matthew, we are keeping a very subjective diary on our adventure so keep an eye out for an article. Honora, yes the tunnels don't look appealing really. A bit more research seems to indicate that, subject to private landowners, the only real obstacle is Staircase Gully. Getting down the south side and up the north side looks uncertain and with kids in tow ...... Will keep hunting for info and make some phone calls, meantime any useful pointers most appreciated.
  • That steep climb out of Staircase Gully was the hairiest moment of our first descent of Otarama Stream. What looked like nice vegetation to clutch on the way up the watersmoothed clay turned out to be gorse! But I grabbed it anyway down by the trunk. I thought I might have picked a dumb way but Frank's just told me that where he climbed out was 'steep and loose'.
  • Thanks Honora, we are almost at that point (it has taken a wee while with the little feet in tow). Does anybody else have any knowledge of the Staircase Gully and gorge in general please? All pointers appreciated.
  • If you're not wedded to the straight arrow approach, might I suggest hopping over the Waimak to the Wharfedale track then Black Hill Hut to Chest Peak and down to Mt White Station. I've driven through to Staircase Gully, it's okay if you're fine with Gorse....
  • Even if you did cross the viaduct itself (this photo seems to suggest there's some sort of timber sidewalk on the bridge) there's no obvious exit off it by the tunnel. And KiwiRail would not be happy to give permission! The Black Hill/Chest Peak route is a possible option but there's still the Esk to cross...? Maybe consider a jetboat ride through the Waimak gorge up past the Broken River junction where there is a little beach and farm track heading back over Tarnmoor to Craigieburn Road and thus to Avoca Homestead. The topo does not show this route but it's a clearly defined 4WD track on Google Earth: WAMS indicates this is private land so permission must be sought. Or talk to the jetboat operator, they will surely know who to contact. It could be Mt White Station... And I suggest you ring Cora Lynn Station (at Kowai Bush) and discuss your options with them. I gather the owner/manager is an approachable chap. Tell him what the walk is about, they might just have some ideas to help you get through the gorge section.
    This post has been edited by the author on 4 December 2015 at 18:37.
  • pics of the Staircase Viaduct. It really doesn't look like the terrain for kids!
  • Agree Honora, a jetboat ride would be much more to their liking! Found a photo of that beach in the Waimak gorge, the 4WD track just visible, even includes a portaloo. Probably part of the jetboat operation.
    This post has been edited by the author on 4 December 2015 at 23:38.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Fiordland Coast Walks
On 11 August 2015
Replies 20
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