Backcountry Cuisine

  • Had a bad run recently of dehy. Whats some recommendations of Backcountry cuisine meals? just curious about what ones are better tasting. Also have had Absolute Wilderness but want to try the range of BCC. Cheers
    This post has been edited by the author on 24 November 2015 at 19:40.
  • I like the roast lamb and veges
  • Roast Chicken and Roast Lamb & Veg are so-so, but as someone has already mentioned they are heavy on soy protein. Venison Risotto and Beef Teriyaki are tolerable but only if you use them as a flavouring for a meal of rice.(quite vinegary) Cooked breakfast is blah. Porridge Supreme, Wheat-flakes with Fruit and Yoghurt & Muesli are all quite tasty Beef & Pasta Hotpot was good as I recall. Cottage Pie and Beef Stroganoff are both nice. Spagetti Bol. is yum and my pick by far. Apricot crumble is delicious. I tried 2 of the Outdoor Gourmet meals when they first came out. Mediterranean Lamb and Black Olives was awful but Beef Bourg. wasn't too bad Not worth the extra few bucks though.
    This post has been edited by the author on 24 November 2015 at 20:09.
  • Any of the 'mash potato' line. Not a fan of cous cous or hard rice :). Better to add more water than not enough and plenty of re-hydrating waiting time. Either stir well or transfer the sachet into another mixing vehicle to ensure you don't strike flavour explosions from lumps that didn't get enough water contact. Bought a couple of double serves from New World at their regular price of $10.25 each. Wouldn't be surprised if Countdown & PaknSave were cheaper still. Nummy.
  • I quite liked the Cooked Breakfast, very eggy. Honey Soy Chicken is alright. I too hate any of the cous-cous ones. Cheapest place to get them is at Rebel Sports when they have their regular 25% off everything sales. Or the supermarket in Te Anau... insanely cheap in Te Anau for some reason, and pretty much their entire range.
  • Vote #2 for the spag bol, my favourite by far. There's a mexican chicken one I like as well - tastes OK, and was a nice surprise to find little nachos in the bag.
  • Looking to get vacuum pack machine and dehydrator, then I can experiment with whatever I want. Made some bacon, which was absolutely yum, and lasted in fridge a while till I ate it all. Reckon vac packed it would be good for at least a week. How to make most drool, cook bacon in a hut.
  • re: BCC pricing (2-serve, as of tonight). - Shelf price my New World $10.25 - Rebel Sport '25% off weekend' $10.49 - Macpac $11.96 sale price ($14.95 regular) - Kathmandu $12.58 sale price ($15.98 regular - Bivouac $12.90 (possibly further discount ?) Last tramping club bulk purchase was $8 per 2-serve meal. Plenty of room for shopping around ?. :)
  • I like most of them. I try and get the Gluten-Free ones as I do better off gluten, so I enjoy the mexican chicken, tandoori chicken etc. I did really like the cooked breakfast at first but now find it a bit meh. The egg/cheese gets a bit old and the flavour never soaks back in to the baked beans, leaving you with flavourless beans in a sauce. (Is it possible to have a negative flavour value, where something has so little flavour it takes away flavour from the sauce around it too??) As a treat, the BCC Smoothies are actually really nice. I wasn't expecting a lot but was very impressed. Nice for a dessert treat to take for one of the last nights on a longer trip.
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Forum Food
Started by Gbellamy
On 24 November 2015
Replies 8
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