Shared tracks

This topic branched from "paparoa great walk" on .
  • I'm starting a new thread. I had an amusing incident a couple of years ago, just on one of the local town belt tracks around Wellington. I could hear some kids on bikes up behind me and expected they were going to come speeding sharply downhill and around a corner any moment. So I stepped aside and stood in a creek. Apparently they were just yakking away and took longer than I thought they would but I couldn't really go anywhere without stepping back onto the track. When the first guy finally zoomed came around the corner I think he somehow managed to have the shock of his life to see me there, and he went flying. Not into me, of course. Maybe I should have made some noise, but at the time it didn't seem very natural to do so.
  • My one and only decent MTB story is from the early 90's when it was still very new on the scene. It was one of the very first infamous Tunnel Gully races in the Rimutaka's and after dragging myself around most of it, I was hugely relieved to get to a relatively flat - albeit swampy - section that was ride-able. So there I was finally trucking along right when I heard this voice behind "On ya left" - so I pulled over a bit - and this super fit dude ran past me with his bike over his shoulder. Last race ever. Sold the damn bike.
    This post has been edited by the author on 23 November 2015 at 10:18.
  • mate of mine was in a bike race, he stopped on a wide corner on a descent for something to eat... another rider overshot the corner and hit him sending him flying like a skittle down a bank.
  • @waynowski "need to stick to the rules, i've come across mtbers on walking only tracks. too steep, they couldnt stop, i had to give way, but i was lucky i saw them in time at all…" This is a growing problem! Mt Grey has several walking tracks and dozens of forestry roads… guess where the MTB'ers prefer to go… The Mt Grey track has suffered significant damage at the hands of riders who treat it like a custom-built MTB track, which it isn't. What's really disappointing is I see them heading down there in winter. Whenever possible I remind riders these tracks are for walkers only, yet they still go down because 'the signs don't mention it'. I've asked DOC to update signage but it's just not a priority. Other Canterbury Foothills tracks are receiving similar treatment, e.g.. Mt Richardson and Mt Thomas. As a MTB-er for 50% of my recreational time I can see that more has to be done to protect tracks built for walkers which are entirely unsuitable for bikes, starting with updating signs. There are plenty of tracks open to two wheels with more being built all the time.
  • I think I'm right is saying that young people don't go tramping as much as they used to. Tramping Clubs are having problems attracting young people. Hardly surprising when our whole culture is about speed and adventure. Thus MTBing is a much more attractive option. Here in Golden Bay there are zillions of MTBers and the local club just keeps pulling in the young ones and giving them something to get stuck into, in the outdoors. Lots of working bees on the tracks and, no doubt, mentoring of the younger ones. There are now far more MTB tracks than walking/tramping tracks in this area and I don't hear too many grizzles about sharing - apart from the perennial complaints about bikes chewing up the Heaphy. I will go so far as to say that MTBing is the new tramping and we will will just have to adjust to that reality. (Ageing; Adapting; Accepting.) I often say to the MTBers that I was born 20 years too soon as I love MTBing but, at 69 I really have to watch it as these days I will break, rather than bounce, if I fall off!
  • Bike-packing is gathering momentum in this country... Great for big country like the Hakatere, Central Otago.
  • @JETNZ I've seen the damage at Mount Richardson. I think the main track has been closed to MTB now? And I've seen MTBers coming down the track at Mount Thomas and Mount Grey. The tracks seem in better shape in the Hakatere - less wet perhaps, or less bikers? And I agree - I think bike packing will continue to grow in popularity - I see lots of MTBers at Double Hut
  • @TheGoodLife, the only track on Mt Richardson that was ever open to MTB's was the Blowhard Track. Do you mean that one? Still open according to the DOC site. The Richardson and Bypass tracks are walkers only but that hasn't stopped individuals on bikes having a go. Highly technical nonetheless so many would not bother. The Hakatere tracks are mostly over grasslands and follow old farm tracks with few corners so there's less damage as a rule. It's the sort of place that is well suited to MTBs, as the distances are vast and makes getting to places within a weekend practicable. The downside to big exposed landscapes is coping with a savage norwester and matagouri-inflicted flatties. But it's all part of the experience!
  • @JetNZ it was a few years ago and it was the Mount Richardson track. It had a massive rut in the middle of the track all the way up to the bush line.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by izogi
On 23 November 2015
Replies 8
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