paparoa great walk

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  • A new 45-kilometre Great Walk will be created near the Pike River coal mine as a memorial to the 29 miners who died at the site five years ago
    This post has been edited by the author on 15 November 2015 at 15:37.
  • Very little detail in those articles... Timeline? Dual-use all year round? New huts?
  • all the great walks are all year round use.
  • In the circumstances is this a good idea?
  • perhaps if the track didnt go to the site of the mines it would be more respectful. once they make the track people will be posting selfies in large no's around the mine site and blogging all sorts of things, some possibly insensitive comments.
    This post has been edited by the author on 15 November 2015 at 18:17.
  • Build a track there Great idea. Keep it well away from the mine or anything to do with the mine Even better. Call it a Memorial; No Maybe if all the victims familys agree but I cant see that happening
  • so you're a family member of someone who died in the mine, you want to go up to the mine site to pay your respects and there are some walkers around also visiting the site, doing what they do, taking photos, maybe laughing, saying stupid or tactless things, not realising the family of the deceased are there, should you trundle random trampers through a place that has no memorial significance to the vast majority of them?
  • I still don't see the logic of why a Great Walk is needed. The only rationale seems to be for attracting tourists, which opens a whole can of worms.
  • 45km 2 days hardly qualifies as a great walk. All I can see is a govt looking to cash in on a tragedy.
  • routeburn is 30k... abel tas is about 35
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by waynowski
On 15 November 2015
Replies 66
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