Guessing the wind speed

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  • Yes - had a friend get stuck at Tarn Hut in deep snow last winter. Unwilling to try either the pinnacles or Girdlestone. He asked after possible valley routes and I was wondering at the time whether the route was still viable down from the old hut site into the Waingawa valley - there was a track there in '59 (apparently) - whether to suggest it to him. He ended up choppering out - which was probably a good option. I take it it would not have been much fun?
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 August 2015 at 12:51.
  • It wasn't such a great option back in '66' when I dropped off there to avoid wind and rain. I cursed and swore for hours trying to find my way down. Got there in the end but I didn't enjoy it, that's the main reason I remember that one.
  • It's the spurline that has the memorial cross at the top of it. Not more than 200m north of the hut itself. Problem was the wind and poor visibility. Got bluffed out twice, and had a good old wrestle in the leatherwood once I did find my way down. By the time I got to Arete Forks I was knackered; at one point I was about 100m from the hut, and still had to stop for a rest. The total horizontal travel for the day must be barely 5 km! Of course with the weather a chopper was not an option, and in hindsight it was a good lesson in being aware of the escape routes and always having a Plan B if things don't go the way you expect. @madpom ... we briefly met one day heading up to Blue Range hut. Or more accurately I was trucking along fine --- and you steamed past. :-)
    This post has been edited by the author on 12 August 2015 at 13:24.
  • There you go folks, all you wanted to know about wind speeds... thanks to the Met Service.
  • Hmmm, I've fallen over due to LACK of wind ! We were strung out across a wide, very open, spur in Southern Tasmania leaning into a very strong SW gale. Suddenly, it just stopped. We all fell forward, like skittles, one after another, as the lull reached us. It happened another two or three times - but, the last time, seeing the ones in front go down, I was prepared :)
  • @bernieq I can just picture that :-) Still I think of all the elements you face tramping a bitter gale is my least favourite.
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Forum The campfire
Started by JETNZ
On 10 August 2015
Replies 25
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