Labour weekend trips

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  • great barrier island for a wander
  • @Gaiters That's great to hear:) If they need any packs or gaiters (ha ha) I'm having a dung out of old but good kids gear, so I'll email you a list and some photos if you like?
  • It can't hurt just send me some details
  • We're doing track work in the (formerly known as) Otehake Wilderness Area. If we can get across the Otira and the Otehake (thanks, Doc for removing the Otehake footbridge)! 200 mm of rain at Carrington this week plus snowmelt so fingers crossed. There will be a plan B.
  • Was going to do Rakaia to Heron TA section with the local club but knee playing up (a first for me) after successive Saturdays or Sundays scampering about the mountains with others. Physio warned to keep off the ascents/descents for a bit otherwise could be in for a long haul recovery. Warranty on these knees well expired! Not even a chance to try out new boots… So weekend will be a pathetic display of self-pity with a bit of grumpy thrown in. Great to read others are going outdoors. Nice!
  • Heather Jock, Wallers, Stoney Crk, Cashs Flat (Oxburn). Great trip - lots more snow around once you get past front faces. Snow down to 1450m on dark faces. Woulda been more fun with my crampons ('na... won't need those...') ... but great trip all the same.
    This post has been edited by the author on 26 October 2015 at 17:36.
  • Back from an epic overnighter to nichols hut. That track cut over the slip to waitewaewae absolutely sucks. Who ever cut that should be shot. Better to just use the old track and climb over the slip. Nichols in great nick. Beaut weather. Crystal clear and still for the most part.
  • Back from a trip up the head of the Poulter (APNP), recutting and permolatting some of the Worsley Pass track. The Otira was too high for our liking so we backed off. Others were able to cross but they were in groups. Not sure how they would have got on in the Otehake gorge downstream of the hot pools though. Surprisingly few people in the hills this weekend. I'll blame the RWC for that.
  • Hate you all ;-) Spent the weekend in the office doing battle with some new technology .... I so miss NZ.
  • Didn't make it to Makorako in the end. Had a look at the route from Thunderbolt and realised it was going to take a lot longer than I thought so decided to save it for another day. Ended up turning Sunday in to a big tops trip along the Thunderbolt range and back over Umakarikari and Urchin. Beautiful day for a wander in the Kaimanawas.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Gaiters
On 23 October 2015
Replies 27
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