Labour weekend trips

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  • So it's the unofficial start of the tramping season this weekend . The fair weathered friends among us will start congesting the tracks that have for the last half year been oasis of solitude for the hardier souls of the rest. So in saying that what's everyone's plans for this long weekend? The forecast is patchy in most places but worth a crack. I'll be looking at finding one of the hidden huts of the tararua with my missus and two boys as she looks to be blowing a gale on the tops. But if it looks a little calmer in the forecast, I'll make em sweat on an overnighter to Nichols hut, as I only have sun-mon off. Wbu?
  • The plan is to do the trip mentioned here Suppose I should hang around to watch the ABs semi before I head out and the weather isn't exactly exciting me. Guess I'll just head out and see what things look like when I get there!
  • Planning a couple of day trips on Sat and Mon with Sun off to keep the missus happy and watch some rugby and avoid the rain forecast for Wgton. Either Mt Matthews, Kapakapanui or Mt Holdsworth/Powell hut. Which hidden huts are trying to find @Gaiters? Snowy river hut has been on my list to find for a while.
  • Its rugby weekend for me,watching Canterbury win again and the AB's of course. Monday, a day trip to Peak Hill near Lake Coleridge I think.
  • Yep, too much important rugby to be worrying about hitting the hills this weekend....
    This post has been edited by the author on 23 October 2015 at 16:02.
  • I've been away climbing a lot over the past few months, this weekend I will do all of the things my very tolerant wife wants me to do around the house. Plus watch the footy! Go the Magpies..and those other blokes.
  • I often avoid long weekends because the tracks are busy, but sometimes it is nice to have lots of company on the track. Would mostly be whitebaiting this weekend I guess.
  • There's no way I'm missing the all blacks. So here's the plan. Get up at 3.30,watch the boys smash the yappies then hit the road. Should be at otaki forks by 7.30. Then it's up to waitewaewae hut for smoko. Then depending on how the weather plays off to island forks hut or Nichols. There will be no one at island forks and the likelihood of anyone at nichols very low. You can have your cake and eat it too.
  • You're taking cake!! Luxury. My plans for the last 2 months have been nothing short of disastrous. Cancelled/postponed a climbing trip up Mt Oates Cancelled/postponed a tramping climbing trip into Barker Hut Cancelled/postponed a Edwards Hawdon trip via Amber Col. So I give up:) Like Hutchk I have gardening assignments this weekend, but I am definitely sneaking away Wed & Thurs next week when the madding crowds have gone away.
  • The boys have to make the most out of their boots mate. We've had some good travel out of them, cheers.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Gaiters
On 23 October 2015
Replies 27
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